December 30, 2012
Wired news
How Trusting in Vice Led to John McAfee’s Downfall
TSA Agents Like to Steal iPads
At CES, Chinese Electronics Giants Compete for American Eyes
December 13, 2012
Family of man killed in Belize says McAfee should be questioned
(Reuters) - U.S. software pioneer John McAfee signed autographs and posed for photos in Miami Beach on Thursday while the family of his murdered neighbor questioned why the eccentric millionaire would not answer police questions about the killing in Belize.
December 04, 2012
Duchess of Cambridge pregnant: world rejoices at news of Royal baby
The Telegraph - The news that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting a baby was big news in Commonwealth countries and Europe – less so in China.
November 29, 2012
KDF via Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia
Hello, the blog is doing fantastic uptime is okay regarding the recent surrender which happened in east africa by the defense forces a clean gateway into the turmoil surrounding domestic as well as civilians over in kismayo. Since september the border appears to be in control of the kenyan troops who requested for directions regarding Somalians and rebels spots throughout various towns, if your occupation is in the forces of Kenya and/or United Nations increased chances are you fighting for a better cause one which may involve Terrorists but it just seems like this was one quick way to wrap up and ongoing feud that has left many unemployed. What kinda mess up is it on my timeline I really don't want to get up to hear this the link should help anyone wondering about what it can take to become a universal soldier. I heard from BBC that the battle was fought and won the images in the news appear to be about troops pulling up in heavy trucks and making life better for refugees, they still cook up the beef it's a long wait perhaps a stand that may just have to be put to an end. I also have written a letter to BBC news service East Africa offering my advice I found the address my main aim is to leave the beef and settle for doing things the right way they will not be easily fooled but it's over whoever went there, expensive sedans now for Kenyan troops cashout and scarface such tendencies shouldn't deter civilians in Nairobi walking along to catch a glimpse of a plane. If your tuned into the media then you may hear about the clashes which are spreading all over the newspapers, in France for instance they cook up beef but in America they sell them sticks, sometimes whole chicken inside a grill, Italian places to chow down pizza ask around and you may even get a cold shoulder from the Tex-Mex spots. All in a good days work your not going to see anything other than an effective way of finding the bad guys whether by plane or radio, Kenya is most definately has the upper hand they are just hard to convince fromt he look of it it's just a waste trying to get what you cannot achieve. So whoever is in control of the operation certainly has to make good judgement a Major standoff mission impossible but it's only to help #KDF # #OperationLindanchi. So I also wanted to respond to the television which didn't show very much other than the documentary about poverty in Kenya a very truthful move from the enemy but the kenyan border must be controlled by these citizens.
French Court Overturns Convictions in Concorde Crash
Manslaughter convictions against Continental Airlines were overturned in a case involving an Air France Concorde jet whose deadly crash hastened the end of commercial supersonic travel.
French feminists slam Carla Bruni-Sarkozy
Former French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy’s comments about feminism, published in the cover story of the current issue of Vogue, have provoked a flurry of outraged responses via Twitter in France.
November 26, 2012
What would happen if Texas actually seceded?
"Texas' so-called 'right' to secede is no more than a politically emboldening myth, the boastful residue of the decade it spent as a sovereign nation before joining America." Still, the Lone Star State does have "an unusual ace up its sleeve" — its annexation papers do allow Texas to unilaterally split in to as many as five cont'd.
November 17, 2012
When Will our Email Betray Us? An Email Privacy Primer in Light of the Petraeus Saga
EFF - As part of the unfolding scandal that led to the resignation of CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus, the FBI read massive amounts of private email messages that uncovered an affair between Petraeus and his biographer Paula Broadwell. We've received a lot of questions about how this works, and what legal process the FBI needs to conduct its email investigation. The short answer? Our email privacy laws are hopelessly out of date. If we learn nothing else from the Petraeus scandal, it should be that our private digital lives can become all too public when over-eager federal agents aren't held to rigorous legal standards.
H&M Undresses David Beckham For Christmas
For the holidays, David Beckham enriches his H&M collection with cozy comfort, modeling once again for the Swedish high street retail giant.
November 13, 2012
Complex’s December 2012/January 2013 Issue!
Complex - Alicia Keys looks absolutely amazing on the newest cover of Complex magazine. The December 2012/January 2013 issue goes on newstands December 4, but you can now read the cover story below.
A General Lesson
David Petraeus was a decorated leader and strategic thinker. Why did he risk everything on an affair? article.
November 10, 2012
FBI probe of Petraeus began with "suspicious emails"
Y! - The CIA director announced his resignation suddenly on Friday, acknowledging an extramarital affair and saying he showed "extremely poor judgment.
November 09, 2012
November 08, 2012
Siemens to launch large-scale cost cutting
German engineering giant Siemens has announced it will cut several billion euros in operating costs over the next two years. The move comes on the back of a steep drop in full-year profits.
T-Mobile USA rips a dent in Telekom's profit
Germany's Deutsche Telekom has posted huge third-quarter losses as earnings have been heavily affected by a write-down at its T-Mobile USA division. But full-year profit forecasts and dividends remain unchanged.
Mob Rat Says Montreal Most Powerful Mafia Group
The is running a story in which a "former hit man" of LCN berates the U.S. mob, calling it basically second fiddle to its neighbors preparing for battle up north. But the source is turncoat Salvatore "Big Sal" Miciotta, a former Colombo soldier who is probably making a decent living in WitPro by lending his views to American television documentaries about the mob. The article describes him as "a veteran American Mafia soldier and former hit man" and quotes him as saying that "Montreal's mobsters are by far the most significant gangsters in the world -- outpacing th... more »
How Race Slipped Away From Romney
Y! News - Mitt Romney never recovered from a crucial disadvantage he faced after the primaries.
Homelessness in France on the rise
A French non-profit organisation put out its annual report on Thursday, showing an increase in poverty and homelessness among women. Secours Catholique says difficulty finding jobs is to blame. read more
France says Iran must explain the death of Facebook blogger in prison
France called on Iran on Thursday to explain the death of a blogger in a detention centre south of Tehran. Opposition activists say Sattar Behechti was tortured to death for criticising the regime on the internet.
November 07, 2012
Anatomy of a White House win: how Obama outmaneuvered Romney
(Reuters) - On the day after the 2010 midterm election that swept Republicans into control of the House of Representatives and decreased Democrats' majority in the Senate, senior White House adviser David Axelrod had a message for President Barack Obama.
Election 2012: Myths, Lies, and Losers
Daily Beast - Barack Obama’s victory was more than a defeat of Mitt Romney. Obama also vanquished prejudice, winner-take-all economics, and attacks on the safety net. The winner is 21st-century America.
13 Must-See Moments From Election Night (video)
TV viewers wonder: Was ABC News’ Diane Sawyer drunk during Election Night live coverage?
Propped up on her elbows and seeming to slur her speech, the normally straight-laced anchor rambled through her sentences, laughing and used exaggerated hand movements, prompting many to wonder if the ‘ABC World News’ anchor was drunk on live television.
November 04, 2012
Graphic Books Best Sellers: Fiona Staples Talks About 'Saga'
The new series, by Ms. Staples and the writer Brian K. Vaughan, enters the list at No. 6.
The Past Is Never Dead: A Faulkner Quote in ‘Midnight in Paris’ Results in a Lawsuit
Faulkner Literary Rights,has filed a lawsuit over Woody Allen's 2011 film "Midnight in Paris" and what it says is that movie's unauthorized use of a line from Faulkner's "Requiem For a Nun."
Bond May Be No Saint, but He's Worthy of Vatican Attention
The Vatican newspaper commends the new James Bond film, "Skyfall," in a review, one of five articles about the Ian Fleming spy.
'Cloud Atlas': The biggest changes from the book to the movie
Moviegoing faltered over the weekend, as viewers turned their backs on a host of new films, from the silly (the Halloween romp “Fun Size”) to the surreal (the ambitious, soul-traveling epic “Cloud Atlas”).
With three directors (Tom Tykwer and Lana and Andy Wachowski); more than a dozen stars, led by Tom Hanks and Halle Berry; and a running time that approaches three hours, "Cloud Atlas" ranked second with just $9.4 million in ticket sales for Warner.
EW - David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas seemed unfilmable for many reasons. That's partially because of its unique structure, telling six different stories set ...
November 03, 2012
Denzel Washington Learns How to Fly
Today, I have just retured from seeing Flight not much to say about this movie, it seems like Hollywood is undergoing some renovations whatever this means it's up for the audience to decide but for now I think it's worth watching a second time. Someone is asking to find the meaning of flying who is the master here? who is in control how am I going to be able to please everyone? when all i've got is my job. Many things are on the line so I suppose looking for a problem doesn't solve it but makes it worse, I may have to cut it off stop from worried about others deal with it own issues. Just do what your told I suppose it's the Lord turning some bad scenes you hear, until you end up a screw up and make it out alive stop asking where is my job? how can I get it back you know? going to leave that alone blah come to think of it something such as acting isn't simple am going to make mistakes alone just watch it. Some of us just don't like that fact but it's true, let's just say you cannot give up but when you do don't fail at it. Never going to understand exactly what a professional Pilot has to go thru it's just funny when things go wrong it sounds well organized a higher order unable to take it from me. Who understands such things? it's up to you to decide switch to the next station or look towards the awkward dolefulness. The main performer from actor playing this elaborate role everything isn't okay did seem to attempt to ignore the main actor Denzel Washington. I follow him on twitter do not care attitude. My attitude but has changed since seeing it open in theaters.
November 01, 2012
Giants parade cost might remain a mystery
Article - So just how much does it cost to throw a World Series parade in San Francisco?
October 29, 2012
Giants beat Tigers in 10 for Game 4 win, World Series sweep
Cbs Sports - With two outs and a runner on first, Cabrera lofted an opposite-field fly to right - off the bat, it looked like a routine out shy of the warning track. But with winds gusting over 25 mph, the ball kept carrying, Pence kept drifting toward the wall and the crowd kept getting louder.
Just like that, it was gone.
October 26, 2012
Foreign ministry irked by Ferrari's flag gesture
Reuters - The foreign ministry condemned Ferrari on Friday for putting the Italian navy flag on their cars at the Indian Grand Prix in what was seen as a political gesture of support for two Italian navy sailors charged with killing Indian fishermen.
October 24, 2012
Obama and Romney in final push
Last night, I watched the debate on live television what I imagined is seeing both candidates getting a better pay; plus an ability to reach voters. But my registration card was sent back in the mail so I dunno if i'm going to vote this coming election. I watched in split screen but no questions from the reporter who sat right in front of the President Obama and Fmr Governor Mitt Romney. I tried to think about the topics they were discussing but it just seems like the first lady is controlling the entire show, there's a possibility of this being a one term president. With so much to do in the office I believe the point is being heard at the crossroads, but often when someone is speaking to a large crowd it's difficult controlling what to say. Everybody is all ears as both cadidates are speaking I was talking on the phone for a shortwhile, sometimes nobody wants to talk they just want to keep their secrets no matter the cost. In first place is our president who appears to be in control but not for long something tells me whatever he was talking about was understood by those who support him and that's painful. I just want to say time goes by very fast unlike the previous administration which did their thing. What about if you think they are doing wrong things - Former president Bill Clinton who created fear amongst the people there was tyranny; when his government feared the people there was liberty. leading the nation afterwards was it liberty? it's hard to say. Secondly the challenger Mitt Romney, where is everybody this looks like a stage coach going bananas it's so hot temperature rising but yet things seem normal. When is it the right time for a take over someone's job is on the line the challenger is prepared to smash everything. In our country people go to rallies and listen to politicians no matter if what their saying is true or false. I believe if your going to vote then the card should have gone and not been returned. I am able to listen without being judgmental, acting in front of the nation isn't a gift so why do it? I watch the media and this is just one last waste of time. I talked to three people before watching this debate the previous one at Hoffstra didn't ask very many questions they have done plenty but served nothing. I simply spoke too much to myself and it's now that I figure something is missing, these people must be looking forward to leaving and wanting to win me over so i'm not going to hold them hostage go somewhere. You cannot put a play/drama together that way America, anyway what you want is something to come in and do something but your not willing to look what this one person had to do to get it. Just listening isn't going to make the next step better. So perhaps if we could just elect a new candidate for office would be okay with me, it's clearly not up to me to decide our president just has to either stay or get kicked out. This is one difficult game your playing and it doesn't seem to be working especially when the future depends on it. I am unemployed I intend to find work so I believe Mitt Romney is creating something that is impossible to get back, and he should not give up. We need to pay out debt if not straighten the country a.s.a.p let's not embarrass ourselves "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom" Thomas Jefferson.
October 18, 2012
Mega-victory: Kim Dotcom search warrants "invalid," mansion raid "illegal"
Ars Technica ~ A New Zealand judge savages the process used to target Megaupload's Kim Dotcom.
Where the Internet Lives: Google invites you in to see its data centers
While Google does occasionally allow tours of its Californian Googleplex HQ, the Internet giant ain’t so hot on Cont'd
October 17, 2012
News: Ludacris Busts Out His White Tee & Africa Chain For M.I.A.
Today, I was sitting here singing songs some of them interesting the music on my tv came on it's early selecting channels have to obtain albums, so I have to dance getting up this morning no instrument watch a music video turns off the hiphop light it was awesome. So i'm thinking if possible make notes from these two people technology isn't a think of the past here maybe get creative from hearing his upcoming albums. There is more hiphop information available here.
Pres Obama vs Mitt
October 05, 2012
Hip-hop singer Flo Rida performs at UTA in October
Today, went to our local university campus to look for advertisements in the campus newspaper and couldn't see anything about this upcoming event at the UTA. Everyone is outside so i'm walking out you could hear a pin dropping but some laugher so i'm walking by the waterfall near the library and wondering where everyone going. I guess it was not such a good idea to go there, I had set the event into my phone, so the day really just happen to begin when I got out of bed. I just parked and then walked up the stairs looking around then down; as i'm going across the bridge. No I do not jump I see someone walking next to me. I asked the dame who appears to be Asian where she is going? she told me to class her major is Biology. I continue walking I look forward and continue speaking she looked familiar I think she was in my computer class at the junior college. It's not until afterwards when I enter the building that I realize there's a sign inside saying Banned; there's some writing and crayons. I just sat down to read the newspaper looking for 'Flo Rida' I departed to go back home because I felt tired where's my car. I left in a hurry I guess because it was over no rap concert until the 19th, the girl said next week but I was looking forward to getting in free. The telephone when I called earlier was not answered speaking about coffee I wonder what flavor they want.
October 04, 2012
danish pavilion: air + port by BIG architects at architecture biennale 2012
Very intereting post concerning a new airport and seaport on a perpendicular axis air + port construction; a hub on the island of angisunnguaq greenland. I agree that clean comfortable roads along the airport to be a wonderful idea, I don't exactly know how long it takes to transform a brick into a lace but the entire thing has to appear very sharp in terms of modern architecture.
September 28, 2012
M.I.A. on Paper: A Q&A With the Pop Star About Her New Art Book for Rizzoli
Do you love the blown-out, pixelated artork on MIA albums? You may want to buy here coffee table book then.
September 21, 2012
Apple iPhone 5 sales prediction for the weekend set at 8 mill
iPhone 5 is estimated to sell 8 million boxes this weekend I was looking at it looks fantastic but how many calls and numbers will you able to store with just this one gadget. Feeling blue coming to see skyfall not going anywhere tonight but will have to look up that sort of invention. I'm clueless why Google could be doing in Kansas.
September 20, 2012
Kenyan IT gurus to get training from top notch firm
Kenyan graduates studying Information Technology will now be able to undergo free high level SAP certification training thanks to a three year partnership between the Kenya ICT Board and leading enterprise application software provider SAP. Cont'd
September 17, 2012
September 16, 2012
September 11, 2012
Tech Crunch ~ This is about my social network there is alot to be saying that is happening over there has anyone heard lately about this domain, if you've surfed there and enjoy seeing how it functions please don't be afraid to explain what could happen to it. I hear share holders are disappointed I don't work there, but I think the legal thing to do is go there. Does it need to be shut at this moment it appears otherwise it's a bug and it's supposed to make money. I have been using the social network Facebook for a long time, but I think they waste it and are giving users this impression of success and organization, those techies who like to look for the next best mishap. Yet destroying morality and loosing does it lack discipline sure. Appreciating another hopefull success story, perhaps if they move on. Who would know how to "make a shilling" the way the internet portals should function right. Using Facebook isn't very much a coincidence nowdays. I like to drive but the waiting it's like there's plenty of stuff happening with friends, they're not yet going to leave that place their going to see us walking out. I really prefer receiving some kinda cash or tokens. To play for cash like selling magazines, playing video games, buying cellphones the clock is ticking the stock could be, better droop it Google is at the 600 mark.
Remembering 9/11
If you or anyone would like to see what took place on 9/11/2001 take a look at some of this photographs. I would also like to note the former president George Bush, I doubt if anyone bothered asking for his autobiography at the local library but I have done it. It's been hard on us Americans this just happened and whether anyone is to blame is up to the Lord to decide it. The power to express my ingratitude has been tarnished sometimes by the constant attention being given to techies who don't really seem to care about the poor. In order to move up one sometimes has to figure out and obtain whatever is necessary to help himself get over such a tragedy. This is very complicated and one might need to speak to a law enforcement officer, someone with legal ends or a pastor. But I really think Al-Qaeda came down on that day it's not even worth it telling you what has taken place since that time. Only problem is the darkness that needs to be checked upon because i'm not going to sit and tolerate such a catastrophe theory will someone tune to Cnn.
September 10, 2012
Photos: Iggy Azalea
Iggy Azalea Ditches All Of Her Basics For Nude Face Shoot
Read more:
Glory EP tracklist
Read more:
Glory EP tracklist
Making Ideas Happen
Today, I would like to make some progress here by posting this tip about Having Trouble Finishing Your Labor Of Love?
Second article is about potential so clicked the article about The Undeniable Allure of Potential
September 04, 2012
Obama Salutes Jay-Z at Made in America Fest: "He Worked Hard and Plain Refused to Quit"
President Obama has way more than 99 problems. But trying to cop a sick musical endorsement ain't one.
While Mitt Romney and the Republicans flooded Tampa with whatever the fuck a Welsh cake is and refused to give awesome people high fives, President Obama made a totally hip appearance at his homeboy Jay-Z's Made in America music festival. Cont'd
August 30, 2012
French Essayist Blames Multiculturalism for Breivik’s Killing Spree
New essays by French author Richard Millet, which say Anders Behring Breivik's Norwegian massacre was the result of immigration and multiculturalism, have caused an uproar in France
August 24, 2012
Kenya to build international airport at Taveta near KIA
The Citizen - Kenya to build international airport at Taveta ... Kenya plans to build an international airport at Taveta near the cont'd.
August 23, 2012
Q&A: Aldo Rebelo, Brazil’s Sports Minister, on Hosting the World Cup and Olympic Games
Critics have suggested that Rio de Janeiro won't be ready to host the 2014 World Cup or the 2016 Olympics. Aldo Rebelo, Brazil's Sports Minister, begs to differ
IKEA's New Catalogs: Less Pine, More Pixels
Computer-Generated Images Aim to Save Money on Marketing Costs as Photographers Are Retrained to Apply Skills to 3-D Scenes more here
August 21, 2012
Ethiopian PM Meles Zenawi dies
Nation - Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, a regional strongman in power for over two decades, has died in hospital abroad, the government said Tuesday.
Africa Confidential interviews Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Dead at 57
Ethiopia's new leader Hailemariam emerges from the shadows
Africa Confidential interviews Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Dead at 57
Ethiopia's new leader Hailemariam emerges from the shadows
August 19, 2012
Russian clerics forgive band for Putin rant
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's top Orthodox clerics on Saturday asked for mercy for the punk band Pussy Riot for its anti-government protest in a Moscow cathedral, but the church's forgiveness is unlikely to change the band's punishment in a case that caused an international furor over political dissent. ...
Q&A: Nas on His Partnership With Rock the Bells and His Amy Winehouse Inspiration Award
Nas has been part of the Rock the Bells family since first performing with the ... My summer's been on smash, Rock the Bells is the meat and ...
August 18, 2012
Second The Man with the Iron Fists Red Band Trailer
Universal Pictures has released the second red band trailer for The Man with the Iron Fists, the studio's martial arts epic that marks RZA's directorial debut. The writer/director also stars as a blacksmith in 19th Century feudal China, who defends his land and the villagers around him. Take a look at this bloody new R-rated video featuring Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu, Jamie Chung, and Dave Bautista.
August 17, 2012
2 Chainz Turned Down Role On ‘Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’
Mtv - With the release of his major label debut, Based on a T.R.U Story, 2 Chainz is keeping a good stride. So we can't help but ...
August 11, 2012
Why Uhuru and Ruto are uneasy with Clinton visit
Daily Nation - The visit by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week has rattled Mr Uhuru Kenyattta’s...
Two earthquakes in Iran kill 180 and injure 1,500
DUBAI—Two strong earthquakes killed 180 people and injured about 1,500 in northwest Iran, where rescuers were frantically searching the rubble in dozens of villages through the night into Sunday. Thousands fled their homes and remained outdoors after Saturday’s quakes as at least 40 aftershocks hit the area. Casualty figures could rise, Iranian officials said, Cont'd,.
Russia Winter Olympics: Sochi Games a white elephant in the making
Russia Winter Olympics: Sochi Games a white elephant in the making #Leafs
August 04, 2012
Yes, I was hacked. Hard
Emptyage - On Friday a hacker broke into Gizmodo's Twitter account and sent out a series of racist messages. Previously a writer for Gizmodo, Mat Honan breaks down how his account was compromised.
At Least 20 Olympians Caught Fudging the Rules, Doping, or Dating Neo-Nazis
A roundup of the 20 Olympians asked to leave the games so far.
July 29, 2012
July 27, 2012
Rant: DFW Airport Overhaul
I just arrived home from North Dallas and everything looks okay, I saw about two cop cars otherwise traffic is moving just fine. The reason i'm typing this is because I was just there and the traffic from last weeks journey kinda made me want to sit down and share a word something about the construction happening over at the North Entrance - Exit bothers me. I went the wrong way I was going to visit someone one evening during the rain and disliked looking for my car, leaving the bus terminal and searching for my car. The airport is located in a very bad place far from downtown, near Irving where the Cowboys used to play football. Late night and morning traffic problems I don't like to explain what was just completed but it's that bad. Anything happening there is none of my biz but if you look around and notice the incomplete road work, it should be considered a serious matter. One cannot help but brave thru the traffic it's a congestion as you leave the malls and area restaurants. While your driving the wait inside the car and obvious road conditions made me suspect something could be going on ahead of us, so can someone help me understand what could be wrong with the TxDOT.
So I did some searching but couldn't find anything about it except for maybe some competition about, how you want it designed. Since I always go by there I just wanted to say that it's looking much better but don't know who could have finished it. Some international airports like in Great Britain, Qatar, Italia, France and Japan could be better or local ones such at Alaska, Atlantic, Hawaii, Michigan, Washington, Maryland, San Antonio, Houston, Newark these are perhaps better traveling on such short notice.
The traffic is still there but with some of the lanes closed as I was going past there I believe the only thing happening is the new terminal D. Notice planes parked but it's going to take a lifetime remodeling my local just needs more upgrades to match other high performing airports like in Tokyo situated along the globe.
Bloomberg: Won't Tell Chick-fil-A To Stay Away
Mayor Bloomberg says he'd have no problem with Chick-fil-A doing business in NYC despite the chain chief's anti-gay marriage stance — even as other big city mayors warn the chain to stay away.
July 25, 2012
James Lawton: The appeal of the Olympics is the stunning possibility of exceptional deeds
As the Games officially begin today with football, Michael Phelps dips into the Olympic pool as athletes prepare to push themselves to new levels and excitement courses through the East End more.
July 24, 2012
2012 London Olympics
London 2012: Boris Johnson visits Olympic village – in pictures
Theresa May defends deploying 3,500 extra troops for Olympics security
Memory of Prefontaine prevalent at trials as Rupp breaks 5,000 record
Wheating has another chance for stardom ... and not just in videos
Olympics: Sexiest Women Of Team USA
Inside the Olympic village: McDonald's, karaoke – and a pub with no beer
Lightning Bolts: Why do all the top sprinters come from Jamaica?
GB soccer team wrong to ditch Beckham...
China-made U.S. uniforms raise ire more here..
China-made, U.S. Olympic uniforms spark outrage in Congress
Meet New England's Olympians
An Olympic legacy
London Games to open in troubled times
London hopes it's set for the Games
Who can knock Germany off high horse?
LA Times - London Olympics: Michael Phelps goes out as he came in — on top
London 2012 Olympics: Half man, half superhero, Usain Bolt powers right through the barriers of history
London 2012 Olympics: After her historic success, Britain's boxing champ Nicola Adams yearns for some fast food - Telegraph
Olympics as it happened - Telegraph
Usain Bolt becomes living legend at London 2012 Olympic Games with a little help from compatriot Yohan Blake - Telegraph
London Olympics: USA and Korea in women's volleyball semifinal (photo essay)
Allyson Felix, U.S. track and field teammates, have stellar night at Olympics
Day 13: Women’s soccer final, track and field, women’s basketball semifinals
London Olympics: Women from three Muslim countries are pioneers
Editorial: London Games' hits and misses
Sanya Richards-Ross intimidates Olympic rivals with the goddess look
London 2012: USA women's basketball: always winning, always ignored more.
London 2012: Britain’s Mo Farah feels the crowd’s love at 5,000m gold medal win
London 2012: Usain Bolt joins the Olympic immortals
London 2012: Syrian hurdler is second competitor to fail drug test
London 2012: Nike’s Volt shoes capture marketing gold
Clean Passes and a Sparkling Finish read more.
EYES ON LONDON: US runner on Bolt: ‘Wow. He’s a monster’; first gold for Trinidad and Tobago
Guor Marial: A man without a country on world’s biggest athletic stage article
What medals mean for Swiss sports here.
Volleyball: Brazil's women strike gold again
Olympics Volleyball Slideshow
Hotel replaces Bible with 'Fifty Shades of Grey'
A hotel in the United Kingdom has replaced in-room Gideon Bibles with the steamy bestseller 'Fifty Shades of Grey.' link
Coming soon to a stadium near you: World-class soccer
Some of Europe's best clubs will be in China this week for exhibition matches
It's soccer week in China.
Several European clubs are making their way across the country, with just about every day this week featuring big-name stars and friendly matches.
July 23, 2012
Sunday Words: Yu and the Rangers
Rangers vs. Angels The stars at night, are big and bright - clap here - deep in the heart of... (the only state to claim their own kind of toast) Texas. The pageantry, like a cheap version of a MasterCard commercial..Darvish 66 m.p.h curve-ball.
The MLB season has been going on for sometime now and despite the sluggish movements and the setbacks I think Texas has a good chance of winning most of the games, after the world series it's about time we got past our differences and hot climate to end the season. Perhaps it's too early to predict looking at the way they've started playing it's not impossible to give any hint but I just think baseball is no longer something I enjoy watching. I just wanted to wish them "good luck" even if they happened not to beat anything last season. I suggest they do something about the batting lineup, it's an open field the ball goes into the left field and the stadium is going to be on espn at 4am. I cannot follow up on that and i'm not around to watch it..doesn't make the sport look safe at all so return to perfecting the look of the team..the lineup to watch for areas of improvement.
Rangers lose opener in big series with Texas
Matchup: Matt Harrison vs. Dan Haren
Rangers hit two million mark in attendance
Rangers RHP Colby Lewis out for season
MLB Monday Night Boston Red Sox at Texas Rangers: Start Time, Odds, Free Pick
The MLB season has been going on for sometime now and despite the sluggish movements and the setbacks I think Texas has a good chance of winning most of the games, after the world series it's about time we got past our differences and hot climate to end the season. Perhaps it's too early to predict looking at the way they've started playing it's not impossible to give any hint but I just think baseball is no longer something I enjoy watching. I just wanted to wish them "good luck" even if they happened not to beat anything last season. I suggest they do something about the batting lineup, it's an open field the ball goes into the left field and the stadium is going to be on espn at 4am. I cannot follow up on that and i'm not around to watch it..doesn't make the sport look safe at all so return to perfecting the look of the team..the lineup to watch for areas of improvement.
Rangers lose opener in big series with Texas
Matchup: Matt Harrison vs. Dan Haren
Rangers hit two million mark in attendance
Rangers RHP Colby Lewis out for season
MLB Monday Night Boston Red Sox at Texas Rangers: Start Time, Odds, Free Pick
July 21, 2012
Madiba Day infographic
If you don't know by now former South African president Nelson Mandela celebrated his birthday, I heard about this from BBC World and am glad to say it kinda makes up for everything wrong that's been done to me..anyway i've been sitting here for a number of hours and seem to be in no mood to celebrate the occassion alone. Take a look at the infographic and it's clearly all for the former president I suppose he did a good job and never lied to Africaans.
July 16, 2012
The main suspects behind Saitoti/ Ojode deaths uncovered
It’s No secret anymore, the suspects are well known...MP Rachael Shebesh didn’t get her facts from outer space...Today I will unveil to you the main suspects..You be the judge as to who you think killed the two. First and foremost I would like to clarify one thing which is that Saitoti was the main target in the Helicopter crash ...Orwa Ojode was just a victim of circumstances better known as collateral damage. Before I mention the suspects, it was well known that police commissioner Mathew Iteere was supposed to be on that very flight but he missed it by a whisker...Why? ati he was delayed in a flight bound for Mombasa from Nairobi. Anyway here are the main suspects: - Saitoti family, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabab fighters and Raila Odinga, the Kenyan prime minister.
July 14, 2012
Raila’s fightback plan amid Miguna storm
Daily Nation - Prime Minister Raila Odinga plans to counter allegations contained in a provocative new book by his former aide in an effort to control potential damage from his acrimonious falling out with author Miguna Miguna....
July 13, 2012
London 2012 Olympics: 14 days to go - live blog
Is anyone interested in the coming Olympic Games click here to get Live coverage of all today's news in the run-up to the London 2012 Olympic Games. Looking back on previous athletic events such as this one which took place in The United States in 1932, I seem to want to ask what about the climate? it was in Berlin 1030 X Olympic congress or IX that a gathering of 600 canoes were offered just as an usher. The issue of venue security has been a vexed one for London 2012 organisers. Not to worry that security is going to be regarded as high level, I don't intend to be attending so sitting home sounds normal despite a lack of income and transportation. Sitting home at my computer and wondering about going to the Olympics is something I rather not discuss now. But coming back to my previous point of the climate, how is the public trasportation going to function. "Our advice to those going to the Olympics is to keep up to date with the forecast to know whether to pack your sunscreen, a poncho or both. Always go prepared for whatever the weather has in store." If you do happen to make it to London 2012 what about driving to see beach, this doesn't sound like a walk in the park the biggest event in world sport. Unlike France i've seen and heard alot about the hotels in Britain some very expensive, if I was to try directing while looking around I don't need to get uncomfortable they cannot just simply find it. London has spent billions preparing to host the 2012 Olympics, constructing state of the art stadiums, overhauling transport links and installing anti-aircraft missiles to beef up security.
But there is one thing organizers can't control: The Great British Weather. It’s the International Olympic Committee. So how do they decide? According to the "Official website of the Olympic Movement:"
“To make it onto the Olympic program, a sport first has to be recognized: it must be administered by an International Federation which ensures that the sport's activities follow the Olympic Charter. If it is widely practiced around the world and meets a number of criteria established by the IOC session, a recognized sport may be added to the Olympic program on the recommendation of the IOC's Olympic Program Commission.”
What about the Saudi females/women? Al Maeena says it's not about challenging norms (the women play in private female-only facilities) but about wellbeing.
"It's a social debate that we have to go through to promote [sports] and tell society, or the opposing segments in society, that we're not going against our religious or cultural beliefs," Al Maeena told CNN in February.
July 10, 2012
When digital beef gets real: What Drake, Chris Brown, Meek Mill can learn
Hello, I just want to post this article on my blog concerning this beef between the performers, i've been picking them up and trying to think what it all could mean..I guess by now there is a lack of respect and obvious jealousy online. Because how can men like one thing, how come the person being wanted cannot find a way out of the relationship trap? they just want to squabble or be spoken of the interest ain't even available. Rihanna is all over doing promo's i'm at a loss for words today this just seems like a person unable to control themselves. Landing in more and more trouble even though problems have already been explained, you just cannot stop from stepping into it to hurt yourself. It's the reason why there is fighting but really in order to explain how it all started I would have to put blame on Rihanna, she's been thru this before so she needs to show some kinda maturity about the brawl anyway fighting is not the right thing to say just make sure you see Chris Brown he's got a girlfriend. Must read VH1's Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta article.
July 05, 2012
Video: Wale & Meek Mill Ft French Montana – Actin Up
July 03, 2012
Curren$y f/ Big K.R.I.T., Young Jeezy x Lil’ Wayne – ‘Jet Life (Remix)’ | New Music
Curren$y rethinks track 13 on The Stoned Immaculate, subbing Wiz Khalifa‘s verse on “Jet Life” for 16s from both Young Jeezy and Lil’ Wayne. Cont'd
July 01, 2012
To Beat The Heat, Qatar Invents Artificial Clouds For World Cup 2022
If nothing else, hosting the World Cup in Qatar in 2022 will provide more than a few stories like this one. The tournament's organizers now say ...
More: Qatar's World Cup 2022
June 30, 2012
There's not much happening everything is going well i'm trying to stay up with everything going on. My blog has been taking up alotta space if you've noticed the space it's taking up?? I hope your wired because I notice the Apple commercials. I wonder if it's just me that doesn't use the web on a daily basis. Today I watched the trials there isn't anything to do about it I Google realization is i'm not going to be able to even go, so just know that i'm looking forward to watching it live. Please stay tuned to the radio/phone/tv i'm often listening to BBC. Since I am unemployed there is no telling how the London 2012 games are going to go down for me but think about it. If you've seen/heard something about Asian Games also preview here.
June 25, 2012
Syrian forces fire at second Turkish plane -Turkey
Military turboprop transport plane not hit, no one hurt * Turkey: F-4 jet downing won't go unpunished but no war aims * Syria says had no choice but to shoot down jet last week * Ankara ...
News clip
Turkish Phantom jet fighter
Russia Shot Down Turkish F-4 Jet, not Syria, Claims Ankara Opposition MP
Britain and Ecuador at Standoff Over Assange’s Bid for Asylum
NYT - Mr. Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, prepared to spend a second night on Wednesday in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, to which he fled seeking asylum.
June 22, 2012
Miami Heat Wins NBA Championship: What Hollywood Is Saying
Please read this article about tonight's NBA game between the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Miami Heat, i'm sorry I wasn't able to follow game 5 until just moments ago. I realized I hit the bottom walking out before the second half started I could see the Miami stadium crowd in there players around the court it was oldschool. I will post as many headlines as possible but they definately weren't going to give OKC a chance. As soon as Boston Celtics lost I didn't really want to know what would happen next, because Dallas Mavericks got slammed and it's just now clear who owned the rim and is the baddest.
Defining the Finals: LeBron, Durant
Coach K: LeBron James will play
Thousands celebrate Heat title
LeBron James captures his first championship as Heat win NBA Finals
Defining the Finals: LeBron, Durant
Coach K: LeBron James will play
Thousands celebrate Heat title
LeBron James captures his first championship as Heat win NBA Finals
June 18, 2012
Meet Comex, The 19-Year-Old iPhone Uber-Hacker Who Keeps Outsmarting Apple
Forbes - “It feels like editing an English paper,” Allegra says simply, his voice croaking as if he just woke up, though we’re speaking at 9:30 pm. “You just go through and look for errors. I don’t know why I seem to be so effective at it.”
Techcrunch - Meet The Disrupt NY 2012 Hackathon Hackers
June 17, 2012
LinkedIn breach puts site's reputation on the line
Reuters - LinkedIn Corp's silence on the extent of a security breach that exposed millions of user passwords has damaged its reputation among some business professionals, and may slow the growing company's rise if the breach turns out to be more serious than disclosed.
June 14, 2012
Reuters Africa top stories
Who among the seven longest serving African leaders will be deposed next?
Operation Somalia: The U.S., Ethiopia and now Kenya
Ethiopia did it five years ago, the Americans a while back. Now Kenya has rolled tanks and troops across its arid frontier into lawless Somalia, in another campaign to stamp out a rag-tag militia of Islamist rebels that has stoked terror throughout the region with threats of strikes. Will 2012 see more strong men of Africa leave office? Was South Africa right to deny Dalai Lama a visa? The children of Dadaab: Life through the lens
Through my video “The children of Dadaab: Life through the Lens” I wanted to tell the story of the Somali children living in Kenya’s Dadaab. Living in the world’s largest refugee camp, they are the ones bearing the brunt of Africa’s worst famine in sixty years.
Operation Somalia: The U.S., Ethiopia and now Kenya
Ethiopia did it five years ago, the Americans a while back. Now Kenya has rolled tanks and troops across its arid frontier into lawless Somalia, in another campaign to stamp out a rag-tag militia of Islamist rebels that has stoked terror throughout the region with threats of strikes. Will 2012 see more strong men of Africa leave office? Was South Africa right to deny Dalai Lama a visa? The children of Dadaab: Life through the lens
Through my video “The children of Dadaab: Life through the Lens” I wanted to tell the story of the Somali children living in Kenya’s Dadaab. Living in the world’s largest refugee camp, they are the ones bearing the brunt of Africa’s worst famine in sixty years.
June 13, 2012
Toronto eyes 2024 Summer Olympics
Mayor Rob Ford votes in favour of studying the idea floated as last-minute request to council. please read
Toronto's previous failed Olympic bids
June 12, 2012
Moving to India: Cost of Living
Typepad - 'How much will it cost me to live well in Mumbai or Delhi? ... calls cost Rs 1 (2.2c) per minute on average, international calls to the US and EU ...
June 10, 2012
USMegachurch pastor Creflo Dollar arrested
ATLANTA (AP) — Megachurch pastor and televangelist Creflo Dollar — who has drawn scrutiny for his flashy lifestyle and preaching that prosperity is good — was arrested early Friday after authorities say he slightly hurt his 15-year-old daughter in a fight at his metro Atlanta home.
WorldAl-Qaida incites Tunisians against ruling party
CAIRO (AP) — Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri called on the Tunisian people to rise up against the country's Islamist ruling party for accepting a constitution not based on Islamic Shariah law, according to a recording released Sunday.
WorldEgypt pulls TV spots warning about foreigners
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's government has pulled TV public service announcements that warned against talking to foreigners because they might be spies after critics charged the spots fueled xenophobia and aimed to tarnish those behind last year's uprising.
I was watchign the news just now and found some disturbing images about an accident that happened in my home country of Kenia. Fortunately I know the politicians who are involved in the accident. Since the beginning of the yr stuff has reached climax because it seems as though matters keep flooding the web about various topics things beyond my control. The east african region where it happened may sometimes get ignored by the camera today was just one of those days when I received the sad news, take a look at the article. For instance i've read tweets mentioning flights taken that happened to be dangerous, and have even heard convo about choppers. I just didn't think this type of stuff could happen to cops and senior government official following the bomb blast which rocked Nairobi this past week. The plane mentioned was a factory AS350B3e Ecureuil helicopter a recent acquisition by the Kenya Police Air Wing from Eurocopter Southern Africa (Pty). The cause of the crash is said "poor weather" I urge you as well as others to pray for the family if it's for real may the victims rest in peace.
May 29, 2012
Tuesday on the NewsHour: Toni Morrison
PBS - Toni Morrison reads an excerpt from her novel. Prize in 1993, Morrison's citation described her as an author "who in novels characterized by ...
CBS News - author Toni Morrison calls writing books, "Eden." "It's everything," Morrison told "CBS This Morning" co-host Charlie Rose in a pre-taped interview.
May 28, 2012
Inside Apple HQ
Insiders call it the Mothership. It’s Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, and to Apple fans, it’s a place thought of with romance and wonder. Only the privileged elect have ever been deep within its most secretive recesses, but after an extensive search, I turned up more than 30 inside pictures that Apple probably doesn’t want you to see. —
A True ‘All Of The Above’ Energy Policy: Denmark Affirms Commitment To 100% Renewable Energy By 2050
Discussed in the news that lawmakers in Denmark have agreed upon a new set of programs for efficiency and renewable energy that will put the country on a path to getting 100% of electricity, heat and fuels from renewable resources by 2050.
Explosion rocks Kenyan capital
NAIROBI, Kenya – A massive explosion has rocked a building on Moi Avenue in Nairobi, adjacent to the Mount Kenya University.
Police officers from the bomb disposal unit at the scene said there was every reason to believe it is a bomb.
Celebs React To The Moi Avenue Explosion
Kenya on alert over al-Shabab terror attacks
May 23, 2012
USJet diverted to Maine; suspicious passenger cited
BANGOR, Maine (AP) — Officials diverted a US Airways jet to Maine after a French passenger traveling from Paris to North Carolina handed a note to a flight attendant mentioning that she had a surgically implanted device, prompting concerns about possible terrorism.
May 17, 2012
May 07, 2012
Seattle pulls plug on its broadband network
Providing fast Internet access is seen as key to improving quality of life, attracting entrepreneurs and nourishing business. Yet few cities have gotten it done, challenging the telecom industry.
May 05, 2012
Off the Dribble: Last Year, Champions. This Year, in Trouble
The Dallas Mavericks won their first N.B.A. championship last season. Now, down 3-0 to the Thunder, it will be a challenge to stay in the playoffs. go here.
Off the Dribble: Dallas Prepares for a Last Stand
Dallas Mavericks routed by Thunder, face 3-0 hole
Read more here: Dallas Mavericks routed by Thunder, face 3-0 hole
Off the Dribble: Dallas Prepares for a Last Stand
Dallas Mavericks routed by Thunder, face 3-0 hole
Read more here: Dallas Mavericks routed by Thunder, face 3-0 hole
May 04, 2012
How Raila lost the presidency
daily post - He celebrated too early even before the actual announcement of the results without the slightest idea of what was cooking. To him victory had been secured. But the devil was in the detail.
May 01, 2012
A List of War Crimes in Sierra Leone
NY Times - Charles G. Taylor, from Liberia, was convicted of supporting rebel fighters who committed war crimes in Sierra Leone from 1996 to 2002.
April 27, 2012
Track: Rihanna 'You da One'
Today, I checked Wikipedia i'm listening to various tracks from the Carribean and I am at home doing nothing but trying to get a copy of this artists latest album. To explain further responding to the raindrops and stuff which happened all the time trying not to avoid the gesture because since I hear the rain i've become interested. I am single and a big fan of R&B so her music has definitely been on my mind I could say i'm going to be there for a person. I cannot stop looking it's an eavesdrop i've yet to obtain the second Good Girl Gone Bad record. I made it to the Loud tour and am partly overseeing this stuff she's done about the "Rihanna Navy" not bad.
Look forward to going there it does seem likely that something has happened in the world of science. The Dub car show & concert is coming soon, I dunno if I am going to be able to go. I really like kicking it going out checking out those magazines this event marked for 5202012.
April 23, 2012
North Korea issues unusually specific threat
Yahoo News - According to the Associated Press, the statement from North Korea was unusual in promising something soon and in describing a specific period of time.
The North Korean military threatened to "reduce all the rat-like groups and the bases for provocations to ashes in three or four minutes, (or) in much shorter time, by unprecedented peculiar means and methods of our own style."
April 14, 2012
April 12, 2012
Source Close To Mobb Deep Says They Will Never Release Another Album
A source close to the duo says that fans shouldn't expect another LP from them.
April 09, 2012
10 Biggest Egomaniacs in the NBA — It's not a stretch to say that NBA players have to be egomaniacs to an extent, as they are the best in the world and it's easy to become ...
April 05, 2012
DFW cities are in cleanup mode following devastating twisters
Television signal announcement about the coming thunderstorm, suddenly i'm forced to step outside to look, and all I see is a cloud hovering above i'm looking around listening the weather radars begins to sound the alarms. Going over what it was that made such a mess (tornado early Wednesday) it makes me realize the importance of preparedness. So I suppose the few who happened to feel the tornado as it touched down in North Texas had just enough to say. I'm going to post what i've just found it's not much.
The tornadoes that swept through the Dallas-Fort Worth area will continue to have an impact long after they lifted back into the clouds on Tuesday. Many people in the DFW area have been assessing the damage wrought by the storms that caused extensive damage in Kennedale, Mansfield, Arlington, Lancaster, southern Dallas and in Forney...
9 Controversial Magazine Issues Too Inflammatory for Newsstands — Whether it’s a racy photograph or an article that expresses an unpopular point of view, most magazines have been mired in controversy at some point...
Sara Underwood Is Your Hottest Woman of 2012 - Sara Jean Underwood is your hottest woman of 2012: Celebrate with Sara Jean Underwood's Esquire photoshoot with Me in My Place -- video, new S...
April 03, 2012
Internet Explorer Market Share Surges, as IE 9 Wins Hearts and Minds
The browser wars are back on in earnest. For the second time in three months, Internet Explorer made large gains, picking up almost 1 point of market share. Chrome, Firefox and Safari all lost out, as Internet Explorer 9 won over new users.
April 02, 2012
Drake: 'Why do you hate me so much?'
The Guardian - His confessional lyrics have earned him millions, collaborations with Rihanna and Kanye – and bitterly divided opinion. Some call him 'hip-hop's centre of gravity', others the 'hashtag rapper'. Who is the real Drake?
March 30, 2012
RIM cries foul over Apple tactics in nano-SIM standard vote
C|net - Letter to standards group accuses Apple of having company representatives change their affiliation to skew the vote on the upcoming SIM standard.
March 26, 2012
Rant: Trayvon Martin Shooter's
The news today about what happened in FL seems like it's all over the airwaves so I just stepped in to sit and try to understand what happened there. My media view is that there wasn't enough time for the man with the weapon to think, so I put alot of blame on the gun owner (himself) I may want to own a weapon but using it is another explanation. For instance I know some folks have got security jobs your called to answer questions so pressure is mounting for the victim to pause from any harm he's merely looking to be put in a stretcher. I once told a friend if they wanted to own a firearm they should obtain a license otherwise if the law clamped down onto y'all shooting away on the 4th of July get it outta here posting bail will not be anything cheap. Anyway citizen Trayvon Martin is a victim of the fields where your able to sit next to others and can hear them laugh or chat about their lives some run the streets earning a living at such a low wage causes problems just don't bother to confuse yourself someone is already willin to creep up and blow you away. I'm very sad that he's picture is in the news but when are we ever going to stop being argumentative and take this seriously lives of the youth cannot be taken for granted. In order to find a reason to forgive cannot be easy but I just realized his father is speaking on TV, standing next to his wife, and lawyer and wish the gun didn't sound. I was standing to ask whether the court judge had something smart to say but they're about to march like it's a party, the cops I hear tried to intervene telling George to step away from the suspect. This dude is free to roam the street I can tell there is alot of information regarding his civil case, people need to get organized do alot more than sit and think to go on a protest. This kid is from Florida where it's rough your living one second going nowhere all you want is to stay out of trouble and avoid the drug dealing to look at his picture some more but it's not funny, so I stand here speaking on behalf of everyone on the web the law did it's best. I also want to add that I once did notice a tweet from Khloe Kardashian about getting on the airwaves at Florida's z100 - social networking may have to restrict being the scapegoat here are some of the anouncements a complete waste. So just because the cars are moving and traffic is flowing makes living that much more difficult, Al Sharpton is standing next. Basically a case like this needs no further explanation but I just think it's not over they are even calling some black panther members to speak on the matter, I object.
March 25, 2012
Obamacare at the Supreme Court: The Pre-Game Preview
Forbes - The most powerful man in America: Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy. As everyone knows, from March 26 to March 28, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in one of the most important cases to ...
Film director James Cameron visits Earth's deepest point
LA Times - The journey takes him nearly seven miles to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, where he spends several hours filming before returning to the surface.
March 24, 2012
Best Jobs 2012: Architect
As one of the Best Jobs of 2012, this profession should see significant growth over the next decade
March 20, 2012
Three Million New iPads Sold Over Launch Weekend
Three Million New iPads Sold Over Launch Weekend: We now have an idea of what Apple meant when they said the demand for the new iPad was “off the charts.” The company has just revealed it sold three million iPads since they went on sale on Friday morning, March 16. That number includes...
March 18, 2012
7 Stars Of The Movie 'Belly': Where Are They Now?
Mtv - According to IMDB, the synopsis of the movie is, "A pair of vicious black gangsters have spiritual awakenings."
March 17, 2012
Sgt. Bales' past put under microscope
Cbs News ~ Thirty-eight-year-old Staff Sgt. Robert Bales arrived at the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. late Friday night.
March 16, 2012
Report: Google Faces New U.S., EU Privacy Probes
Report: Google Faces New U.S., EU Privacy Probes
Read more:
March 15, 2012
Swiss Bus Tragedy: Coach 'Wasn't Speeding'
Sky News The Belgian coach that crashed in a motorway tunnel killing 22 children and six adults was not speeding at the time of the accident, a Swiss prosecutor has said.
Authorities also said early indications suggest the 52 passengers on board the vehicle were wearing seatbelts.
The New iPad Makes Apple’s Tablet Domination Clearer Than Ever
Techcrunch post article review ...That's not to say you shouldn’t get an iPad 2 at the new $399 price, it’s just that if you go that route, don’t bother looking at the new iPad first. It will ruin the iPad 2 for you. Again, this is the best tablet out there right now that we’re talking about.
March 14, 2012
Oh my: Obama’s approval rating hits new low in CBS poll
41. Second look at the “war on women”? Just 41 percent of Americans approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, according to the poll, conducted from March 7 to 11. Another 47 percent disapprove of his performance, up from 41 percent last...
Read more:
Read more:
Guest post: Joseph Kony is not in Uganda (and other complicated things)
Thanks to an incredibly effective social media effort, #StopKony is trending on Twitter today. The campaign coincides with a new awareness-raising documentary by the group, Invisible Children. Former FP intern Michael Wilkerson, now a freelance...
Read more:
Read more:
March 12, 2012
Japan remembers, rebuilds one year after tsunami — Mourning the loss of almost 20,000 people gripped Japan yesterday on the anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster...
March 06, 2012
Designed in Hackney: London 2012 Olympic Torch
Designed in Hackney is a Dezeen initiative to showcase world-class architecture and design created in the borough, which is one of the five host boroughs for the London 2012 Olympic Games as well as being home to ...
March 03, 2012
Prime Ministers Speech at Somalia's Conference
"Somalia is within reach of a new political process that will involve all Somalis and ultimately a new government truly accountable to the demands of its people and properly representative of all of Somalia’s regions."
Dallas’ Margaret Hunt Hill “Signature” Bridge Opens
The Margaret McDermott Bridge is actually a horseshoe affair linking Interstates 30 and 35 in Texas. Public and private money has been raised, and architect Santiago Calatrava will take a slightly different approach.
March 01, 2012
I just wanted to post a notice regarding my homepage the site was blocked recently the frame going to the navigation bar got shutdown by the host. So I have been wasting alot of time reloading it. There is now a big difference if you click on my homepage link which is on this blog your going to find a few changes but no content. I found a new host which is located somewhere in the UK like it. The website shouldn't be closed i'm going to have a few mirrors from it so look out for that. At this moment i'm doing very good don't mind redeveloping something I enjoyed creating. Bye!
Iran’s underground nuclear sites not immune to U.S. bunker-busters, experts say — Bunker-busting weapons have capability to bore through up to 200 feet of dirt and rock before exploding.
February 27, 2012
MIXTAPE: @MrDonTrip – Guerilla
Inflexwetrust - Listen and download the DJ Drama-hosted “Guerilla” mixtape from Don Trip after the jump
February 26, 2012
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: What To Expect
Actress from ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo‘ star wears a gold and black Lanvin Pre-Fall 2012 ensemble which she paired with black Brain Atwood ”Debra Due” peep-toes.
This is one of the best films of the year, and not a minute too late.
February 25, 2012
Why Being Fearless Matters So Much: A Conversation With Zaha Hadid
‘The only thing I could have done to make them accept me was to water everything down — and I wasn’t prepared to do that.’ go here
February 22, 2012
Tilda Swinton In Lanvin – Pomellato and W Magazine Private Dinner Party
As the face of Pomellato, British actress Tilda Swinton attended the Pomellato and W Magazine Private Dinner celebrating Sandro Kopp at the Lehmann Maupin Gallery late last month. Like a chameleon, Tilda's red carpet .
Oil Silo Home by PINKCLOUD. DK
Just a few days ago, we published the winning entry of the 2011 DOW Design to Zero competition. Here is now also the third prize winner, the entry Oil Silo Home, by architects Leon Lai and Eric Tan of The proposal recycles existing oil silos by transforming them into affordable housing for families
The Silo House from PINKCLOUD.DK on Vimeo.
February 21, 2012
February 20, 2012
Picture of the day: Madonna at superbowl
Madonna called on an all-star cast and a Givenchy costume change to make sure her Superbowl performance was outrageously big
Questions arise over police response to Norway shooting
At least 93 people have been confirmed dead after a brutal and tragic car bombing and shooting. Now the police are under pressure to explain why it took them an hour to arrive on the island where the shooting took place.
February 17, 2012
Revolution 2.0 by Wael Ghonim: review
Ed O’Loughlin learns the lessons of a thoroughly modern revolution in 'Revolution 2.0' by Wael Ghonim click here.
February 15, 2012
New Video: Jay-Z and Kanye West "N*ggas In Paris"
I just wanted to share the new video Jay-Z and Kanye West "N*ggas In Paris" ...before we approach Saturday what I would like to explain but it's non of my biz i'm just someone who once used to live in NJ.
Over the weekend CNN reported from Los Angeles announcing that Houston was attending a pre award grammy party host by recording producer and music mogul Clive Davis; it was there that you can see a crowd standing waiting around some speaking to reporters this at The Beverly Hills hotel. Houston, 48, was found dead underwater in a bathtub in a Beverly Hills hotel, according to police they show Los Angeles and Atlanta where they've got black neighborhoods asked q's?? but my weekend starts out with gangland episodes from Tennessee. Devo things only got worse when I go into more episode's about Gangs and travel, house hunters international, the grammys. Vexed as a matter of fact until I tuned into watch the media report nothing was happening. I look at this from a fans perspective there isn't anything to do try talk about it very sad incident.
There is also alot of news clips coming thru about the Singer have some time please take look for these collaborations; a letter from Bobby Brown is available here. Three things that don't seem to be going away anytime soon: Twitter, the NBA and Linsanity.
The 20,000-Brick Apartment - Working with Suzan Wines, co-founder of I-Beam Design, Marks dreamed up the concept based on both Archie’s love for the bricks and her own affection for geometric, abstract design and Lego-like colors, which carries through the rest of the apartment. To install the wall, they enlisted Sean Kenney, one of only five people in the country licensed by the Lego company to undertake projects as ambitious as, say, a four-foot, 13,000-piece replica of the Empire State Building.
Why the World Needs America
Foreign-policy pundits increasingly argue that democracy and free markets could thrive without U.S. predominance. If this sounds too good to be true, writes Robert Kagan, that's because it is.
February 12, 2012
Celtics’ Rajon Rondo headed to Lakers?
The Los Angeles Lakers are in need of a point guard and the word is that the team wouldn't mind doing a deal with the Boston Celtics to land Rajon Rondo.
Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak tells that there is definitely something he'd like to do before the trading deadline: "If there were a way for us to get a 25-year-old, All-Star, ball-handling guard we'd love to do it … but that's not likely in February. So you look at other alternatives, and see if it's better than what you have. That's all."
As Hoopsworld points out, Rondo is the only 25-year-old, All-Star, ball-handling guard in the league right now. Sources also tell the site that, in exchange for Rondo, the Celtics "have interest" in forward/center Pau Gasol, who has two years left on his contract after this season.
Gasol is averaging 16.4 points, 10.1 rebounds and 0.5 blocks per game. Rondo is averaging 13.6 points, 4.8 rebounds and 9.8 assists per game for the Celts.
February 10, 2012
Nissan releases official footage of Juke-R supercar street race in Dubai— The 480-horsepower, Godzilla-powered Juke-R.. AKA the supercar-beater. And to prove the point, Nissan took it to Dubai for a little street racing action.
February 09, 2012
Status Update
I want to inform everyone visiting this blog about certain changes that were made. I'm still the moderator here and don't get very many comments but I am following up on others, right now what you see is a blog i'm here doing all the work. Sometime i've run into problems looking for new peripherals my processor is very slow i've been playing music may need soundcard to make the experience more pleasurable. Anyway thanks for coming to my blog if your searching for a place get well organized and communicate be friendly then tune in this new year. There is new attention being put at eating healthy first lady is coming to visit our state. If your looking for something to do I was asking around for work recently and managed to walk into the electronics store again where I normally get stuff, I don't mean to be getting in your way or anything just be sure to read on stuff happening in your world.
Sincerely Yours,
February 08, 2012
BMW M shows off new diesel-powered lineup in motion
If you'd like to see more of BMW newly unveiled range of M Diesels, here's your chance.
Pilots worry about safety of allowing domestic drones in US skies
Unmanned aircraft have proved their usefulness and reliability in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. Now the pressure's on to allow them in the skies over the United States.
February 06, 2012
When did the middle finger become offensive?
An American television network has apologised after pop star M.I.A. extended her middle finger during Sunday night's Super Bowl halftime show. What does the gesture mean, and when did it become offensive?
February 05, 2012
Three Ways to Beat Brady and Win the Super Bowl
Let's assume the New York Giants want to win the Superbowl today. The key to dethroning the Patriots – who are indeed royalty in the modern NFL era – is to unseat King Brady.
London Olympics could crash the internet, Cabinet Office warns
Fears of an internet meltdown during the London Games may lead to web access being rationed for British businesses British businesses are being warned that they could lose their internet connections during the Olympics ...
February 02, 2012
Ai Weiwei: Evolution of a Dissident
The filmmaker Alison Klayman presents an exclusive look at the Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei and his struggle for the freedom of expression.
February 01, 2012
What would happen if we switched off the internet?
As Wikipedia looks set to join a web blackout in protest against anti-piracy laws in the US, we ask the question: What if the internet was switched off?
Apple was working on higher quality music and hardware, says rocker
According to rocker Neil Young, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs was working on a project to bring higher-quality music to the masses. In an interview during the ...
Apple Loses Bid to Ban Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 N in Munich Court
Feb. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Apple Inc. lost a patent bid for a preliminary ban of Samsung Electronics Co.’s Galaxy 10.1N and Galaxy Nexus mobile phone in a Munich court today.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Karin Matussek at
January 27, 2012
Robotic Russian Supply Ship Docks at Space Station Managing Editor A robotic Russian cargo ship pulled up to the International Space Station Friday (Jan. 27), delivering tons of fresh fruit, clothing and other vital supplies for the orbiting lab's six-man crew.
January 23, 2012
Starbucks to sell beer, wine in Atlanta, Southern California
Starbucks Corp (SBUX.O), which sells the coffee that helps many Americans get wound up for their day, is now offering some a way to wind down.
January 19, 2012
Perry pulls the plug on presidential campaign
As expected, Texas Gov. Rick Perry dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination Thursday morning and threw his support to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
The Wall Street Journal reported that Perry made the announcement at a press conference in Columbia, S.C.
Perry's departure narrows the GOP field to four leading candidates.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul, former Sen. Rick Santorum, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Gingrich remain in the race ahead of South Carolina's primary on Saturday.
DNC: Rick's 'Reality' Tour
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Democratic National Committee: (Logo: Perry's Iowa debut should be called Rick's "Reality" Tour.
Where I Stand: Perry, Gingrich, and None of the Above
mandate about which his faith is unshakable. So I am left to support Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich, either of whom I would […] , there is still time for a Perry rebound, a Gingrich surge, and even for a new candidate to get in. Rick Perry, who is the […] get a new candidate. I hope that Rick Perry can rapidly rebuild and show clear momentum in South Carolina. I hope Newt
Rick Perry: The Man Who Never Was
Rick Perry has always been just smart enough to know what he can do and what is a waste of his time. When he was asked […] amount of self-awareness, Rick Perry would have looked around that grand old structure and pinched himself while wondering […] how in the hell it all happened. Rick Perry has never had a true sense of who he is until he conceded here in Iowa. What
The Wall Street Journal reported that Perry made the announcement at a press conference in Columbia, S.C.
Perry's departure narrows the GOP field to four leading candidates.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul, former Sen. Rick Santorum, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Gingrich remain in the race ahead of South Carolina's primary on Saturday.
DNC: Rick's 'Reality' Tour
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Democratic National Committee: (Logo: Perry's Iowa debut should be called Rick's "Reality" Tour.
Where I Stand: Perry, Gingrich, and None of the Above
mandate about which his faith is unshakable. So I am left to support Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich, either of whom I would […] , there is still time for a Perry rebound, a Gingrich surge, and even for a new candidate to get in. Rick Perry, who is the […] get a new candidate. I hope that Rick Perry can rapidly rebuild and show clear momentum in South Carolina. I hope Newt
Rick Perry: The Man Who Never Was
Rick Perry has always been just smart enough to know what he can do and what is a waste of his time. When he was asked […] amount of self-awareness, Rick Perry would have looked around that grand old structure and pinched himself while wondering […] how in the hell it all happened. Rick Perry has never had a true sense of who he is until he conceded here in Iowa. What
January 18, 2012
Carnival Ship Captain Under House Arrest as Death Toll Rises
bloomberg ~ This past Sunday news came in from Italy that the captain of a ship which ran over some rocks and was tipped over was under arrest. Captain Francesco Schettino, who may face criminal charges including manslaughter, was put under house arrest late yesterday by a judge in Grosseto, Italy, his lawyer, Bruno Leporatti, told reporters in remarks broadcast on Sky TG24 television. meanwhile I am watching the marathon runners who are supposed to be competing at this years Olympics..running along somewhere in downtown houston, Texas.
Yu Darvish Signs With the Rangers
Now, Yu Darvish will take his talents to the United States, where he will try to make Texas Rangers fans forget about Cliff Lee and CJ Wilson. With only minutes to spare before an irrevocable deadline, the Rangers and Darvish agreed to a six-year ...
January 13, 2012
Apple Halts In-Store iPhone 4S Sales in China Over Safety Concerns - Mac Rumors - Following early morning chaos at Apple's Sanlitun retail store in Beijing that prevented Apple from opening the store for the iPhone 4S launch, Reuters reports that the company has temporarily halted in-store sales of the device at all five of its…
January 10, 2012
Northern Illinois prevails in Bowl
MyValleySports - Chandler Harnish threw two touchdown passes and Northern Illinois shook off a slow start to take down Arkansas State, 38-20, in the Bowl.
Harnish limped off the field early in the second quarter, but backup Jordan Lynch led a scoring drive as the senior recovered.
January 06, 2012
How Many Stephen Colberts Are There?
A suburban dad. A fictional television blowhard. And now a political money launderer. How one funny guy became three.
January 04, 2012
Food Poisoning Costs America Over $77 Billion A Year
If you eat a bad mussel or an undercooked burger, you might find yourself vomiting and under the weather for days. It's miserable -- and if you're elderly, a small child or immuno-compromised, potentially lethal. But what's the cumulative economic impact of all these bouts of food poisoning across America? please read.
Food Safety Disasters 2011: The Deadliest And Strangest Outbreaks Of The Year
Food Safety Disasters 2011: The Deadliest And Strangest Outbreaks Of The Year
More Article Posts from NYTimes
South Sudan Raid Shows Rivals’ Escalating Clashes
The world’s newest country seems to be exploding in violence.
Somalia’s Insurgents Embrace Twitter as a Weapon
While the Shabab militants are waging a traditional guerrilla war in Somalia, they are also using social media in a propaganda war with Kenya.
Amid a Berber Reawakening in Libya, Fears of Revenge
The Amazigh are re-emerging as a political force after decades of oppression. But some question whether the swift social reorganization could lead to internecine war.
Singer Responds to ‘Patriotic Duty’ to Enter Senegal’s Presidential Race
Youssou N’Dour, although extremely popular in his country, must overcome a lack of political experience in his campaign.
U.S. Relies on Contractors in Somalia Conflict
The American fight against extremists is being outsourced out of reluctance to send troops back into a country they hastily exited nearly two decades ago.
For Somali Women, Pain of Being a Spoil of War
With the famine putting hundreds of thousands of women on the move, more rapes are being reported now in Somalia than at any time in recent memory.
Millions From Diamonds Go to Mugabe, Observers Say
Tens of millions of dollars in diamond profits are said to be bypassing the treasury of Zimbabwe and ending up with President Robert Mugabe and his supporters.
January 03, 2012
PM Raila tells off ODM critics
Prime Minister Raila Odinga has told off Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) critics and asked them to stay away from the party's affairs. cont'd
January 01, 2012
Mac Miller Brings 'Party' To 'NYE In NYC 2012'
During Saturday night's live MTV special, MC re-creates '80s -inspired 'Party on Fifth Ave' video.
Asia’s Skyscraper Supremacy — The US once had the tallest buildings in the world. Now its skylines are being dwarfed by towering buildings springing up in emerging-market economies like China, and the United Arab Emirates.
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Angel Reese prepared to go on strike if WNBA demands aren't met
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Selena Gomez talks.. Since coming back from Orlando, FL I been listening to alot of music and would like to include this fact on this blog...
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