
November 04, 2012

'Cloud Atlas': The biggest changes from the book to the movie

Moviegoing faltered over the weekend, as viewers turned their backs on a host of new films, from the silly (the Halloween romp “Fun Size”) to the surreal (the ambitious, soul-traveling epic “Cloud Atlas”). With three directors (Tom Tykwer and Lana and Andy Wachowski); more than a dozen stars, led by Tom Hanks and Halle Berry; and a running time that approaches three hours, "Cloud Atlas" ranked second with just $9.4 million in ticket sales for Warner. EW - David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas seemed unfilmable for many reasons. That's partially because of its unique structure, telling six different stories set ...

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Frankfurt concludes his book by discussing the rise of bullshit.[16] He does not argue that there is more bullshit in society now[when?] tha...