
November 03, 2012

Denzel Washington Learns How to Fly

Today, I have just retured from seeing Flight not much to say about this movie, it seems like Hollywood is undergoing some renovations whatever this means it's up for the audience to decide but for now I think it's worth watching a second time. Someone is asking to find the meaning of flying who is the master here? who is in control how am I going to be able to please everyone? when all i've got is my job. Many things are on the line so I suppose looking for a problem doesn't solve it but makes it worse, I may have to cut it off stop from worried about others deal with it own issues. Just do what your told I suppose it's the Lord turning some bad scenes you hear, until you end up a screw up and make it out alive stop asking where is my job? how can I get it back you know? going to leave that alone blah come to think of it something such as acting isn't simple am going to make mistakes alone just watch it. Some of us just don't like that fact but it's true, let's just say you cannot give up but when you do don't fail at it. Never going to understand exactly what a professional Pilot has to go thru it's just funny when things go wrong it sounds well organized a higher order unable to take it from me. Who understands such things? it's up to you to decide switch to the next station or look towards the awkward dolefulness. The main performer from actor playing this elaborate role everything isn't okay did seem to attempt to ignore the main actor Denzel Washington. I follow him on twitter do not care attitude. My attitude but has changed since seeing it open in theaters.

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