
April 28, 2010

Goldman probe heralds SEC clamp-down

Goldman probe heralds SEC clamp-down - Polls - Editor's Desk - News - FinanceAsia.com - The network for financial decision makers

I'm not a Broker neither do I work for Goldman if in fact they did profit from the decline in the U.S household crisis the executives need to be terminated. I began to ask well how far was I going? because owning a home in North America is practically impossible without a PT job. I have been past those new housing locations and still haven't figured out why the paper didn't cover them the way they have done with automobiles. I was thinking perhaps someone would say something help me get familiar with the entire cycle of going to work and arriving at a new/used home nothing. It just flew over me how someone could construct a flat nearby and dug holes only to escape with this blame infront of my bank. Please read about how net longs like Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Washington Mutual, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wachovia…the list goes on. Do a google search on any of these names and you’ll come across words like “bankruptcy,” “billion dollar losses,” and “government equity stake.”

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