
April 30, 2010

Apple's Jobs slams Adobe's Flash technology

Apple Inc Chief Executive Steve Jobs on Thursday sharply criticized Adobe Systems popular Flash multimedia software, calling it unreliable and ill-suited for mobile devices, escalating a pitched battle between the two companies.

April 29, 2010

The 2010 TIME 100

As a young man, Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO, decided to be the Beatles of computing. I once said that I make what the Beatles would have made if they made cont'd

April 28, 2010

Robot vessels used to cap Gulf of Mexico oil leak

Robotic submersibles are being used to try to stop oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico from a damaged well almost a mile (1.5km) below the surface.

Goldman probe heralds SEC clamp-down

Goldman probe heralds SEC clamp-down - Polls - Editor's Desk - News - FinanceAsia.com - The network for financial decision makers

I'm not a Broker neither do I work for Goldman if in fact they did profit from the decline in the U.S household crisis the executives need to be terminated. I began to ask well how far was I going? because owning a home in North America is practically impossible without a PT job. I have been past those new housing locations and still haven't figured out why the paper didn't cover them the way they have done with automobiles. I was thinking perhaps someone would say something help me get familiar with the entire cycle of going to work and arriving at a new/used home nothing. It just flew over me how someone could construct a flat nearby and dug holes only to escape with this blame infront of my bank. Please read about how net longs like Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Washington Mutual, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wachovia…the list goes on. Do a google search on any of these names and you’ll come across words like “bankruptcy,” “billion dollar losses,” and “government equity stake.”

April 25, 2010

Blackberry needs new tricks, fast

Research In Motion, maker of the Blackberry, needs to produce evidence next week that it is close to cont'd

The company may also use the trade show to launch the long-awaited high-end Bold 9650 and lower-end 3G Pearl.

April 24, 2010

Buggy McAfee update whacks Windows XP PCs

Update to antivirus software attacks the OS on many Windows XP computers, causing networking problems, reboots. article

April 22, 2010

April 20, 2010

23rd Bond film put on hold as MGM struggles with debt

Work on the 23rd film in the Bond series has been suspended indefinitely as MGM studio faces a £2.4bn cash crisis

April 19, 2010

Deja Vu

This could be deja vu while seated i've just realized that it's Friday and there music available for download some of them aren't all that I expected. Well as a single African American there comes a time I regret most of the items within reach, the weekend was here there isn't anyone to chat with here goes. It's not a challenge helping myself to a good read sometimes I find reading very interesting because the satellite TV, music and tattoos took nothing. The things I thought of when in motion lately though the memories and expressions slowed, dreaming did start occurring. I'm puzzled with that technology for family got bigger and I now judge society with sorrow for the look on their faces shows when I could have bothered to think about. I just assumed Twitter was popular now that they say they're going to put ads why bother going into the bookstore? i've been away for a long time next to all this listening. I guess the campus became a lot more organized after I left to come home and watch TV; is anyone going to comment perhaps you watch 5 or more hours of television and have something to share. As a college student not attending it puts me behind aeons knowing that I got downgraded, have no job and strike to fit in with the generation that is on magazine covers, traveling, shoplifting, going to the movies, investing and taking vacation to Michigan. I will try to remember school this year incase I forget what schooling really stands for.

April 17, 2010

Jay-Z sues David Ortiz over nightclub name

First hearing Jay-Z rap and went quixotic could have dressed much better, the old days are long gone what's happening now is this a lawsuit against the Boston Red Sox put the rapper under the radar. Is Jay-Z leaving the press and playing with our emotions? Is Jigga man traveling without the e-passport? as a fan of Jay-Z I do enjoy carrying his album. From his most recent filmography and onto consistent chart toppers I would need to go & grab The Blueprint 3. I never knew there would be so much controversy about hiphop in general the rocawear laced heavy metal music video on sucker free television - it does seem like the guy isn't guilty.


President Hu deals with devastating quake in NW China

"At this difficult time, I need to return to my country urgently, to be together with the people of China, pitching in with the earthquake rescue efforts," President Hu Jintao explained why he had to cut short his visit after the deadly earthquake.

April 16, 2010

Kenya flower industry hit by flight cancellations

Kenya's flower industry has been badly hit by the cancellation of flights across Europe because of the ash cloud caused by a volcano in Iceland.

In pictures: Flight disruption

April 14, 2010

DJ Envy & Red Cafe

Anish kapoor: arcelormittal orbit

anish kapoor's 'arcelormittal orbit' has won the competition to design london's olympic tower for the 2012 games. it is set to become the largest work of public art in the UK. read more

Sarah Palin Earned How Much Since July?!

Pundits can debate the political costs and benefits of Sarah Palin's decision to step down as Alaska governor, but the monetary advantages of leaving her $125,000-a-year public service post are beyond dispute. Sarah Palin - Politics - List of Governors...

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Twitter Blog

Although our services extend beyond the Web, Twitter ranks as one of the most popular sites on the Internet. Over the years, we've resisted introducing a traditional Web advertising model because we wanted to optimize for value before profit. The open...

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April 09, 2010

Apple computer

The ipad got recent release and Apple founder Steve Jobs was on the cover for Time magazine. Since I do not know anything about what it is I suppose the only way to review this 16GB model gadget would be through a rant. The TV review showed how to flip through the pages of a Novel - why should I try and grab an iPad if there are paperbacks available in the store? I had doubts if there is anyone interested to see how a Nazi got left with paper TV news is full of authors making books. Reading is needed while at home consider how important next time your outdoors. The iPad makes it seem like nothing else ever existed. I think without paper I cannot buy it, without paper recycling is easier the gadget made news the market our entire stock exchange could not do without it. Apple review very hard to use if it’s about touching a flat screen you could put inside a notebook. Like a page from a magazine rank the iPad it really takes it to the next level through it’s interaction with the person, it’s just a mobile computer put on TV for review. This gadget saves from wasting recycled paper it is not a Bed and it doesn’t tell you where to go, whom to wait for and it doesn’t have a personality so don’t bother asking it for directions. This reminds me of GPS navigation devices show you a map from the sky above whose going to look at the stars.

Apple unveils iAd platform; iPad sales look strong

Pancreatic cancer survivor Jobs, looking thin but energetic, introduced the iAd mobile platform, which he said had the opportunity to make 1 billion ad impressions a day on tens of millions of Apple mobile device users.


Researcher warns of impending PDF attack wave

No-bug-required Reader flaw 'easy to reproduce,' says expert, expects money-stealing attacks soon cont'd.

April 07, 2010

Final Fantasy 13

I went browsing the 1up videogame website and found a great gaming headline that i've never looked at before here is the description from it say We check out two new areas in the game at Square's pre-release party in Japan.

I recognized Square Enix imprint so maybe it's because I don't normally play video games that i've gained interest. On looking at the Playstation displayed at the electronics store I thought what a nifty gadget to possess. PS3 uses a version of the Netfront browser with graphics from Nvidia good things are the controller which let me use a headset to voice chat. The bad is this Ps3 doesn't have a flash card and memory reader I could definately want to watch Bond in Blue-ray.

April 06, 2010

Dj Jasmine Solano

Jasmine Solano Interview with Readconvention.com from Viva la Boogs on Vimeo.

The 10 Tech Essentials Every Small Business Should Have

A beginner's guide to the tools every business needs to survive.

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2010 Pritzker Prize Awarded to SANAA

The 2010 Pritzker Prize was just announced today, and the winners of this year's esteemed prize are Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, a Tokyo-based architecture duo called SANAA. more

Bubble markets: The secret to Texas' success

Negative equity, regardless of loan type, is a significant driver of defaults, particularly in the presence of high unemployment rates. Combine Texas' low unemployment rate with the absence of a bubble and you end up with a low default..

April 05, 2010

Four female astronauts rendezvous 50 years after first woman in space - Times Online

Four female astronauts rendezvous 50 years after first woman in space - Times Online

Snoop Dogg Takes Larry King to Roscoe’s

America's favorite TV dad Snoop Dogg makes a special appearance on Larry King Live tonight and while he'll talk about, you know, politics and stuff ("I’m not down with the National Democratic Party/Gold Democrats, Social Democrats.

Read More here

April 03, 2010

Iconic Hacker Group Sounds Alarm on German Data Privacy

Once its members hacked into NASA's computers. Nowadays, the Chaos Computer Club is one of the most vociferous defenders of data privacy in Germany. It's a right the group says is being dangerously undermined. cont'd

Massive oil spill threatens Italian ecosystem

Vandals are thought to have opened the cisterns at an Italian oil refinery, allowing some 2.5 million liters of oil to flow into the Lambro River. Now the slick has reached Italy's most important river, the Po.

The cisterns "were opened by someone who was familiar with the plant and knew how to operate them," Cinzia Secchi, a spokeswoman for the local government in Milan told AP

Militants claim responsibility for bombings

Chechen militant leader Doku Umarov has claimed responsibility for twin suicide bombings on Moscow's subway that killed 39 people. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin promised the culprits would be brought to justice.

Steve & Neile

On the birthday of car racer, heart-throb and King of Cool
Steve McQueen Nowness published some exclusive photos and an interview with Neile Adams. Adams kept over 40 personal scrapbooks documenting her life with McQueen, now sharing just a little bit with us… Enjoy!


A very nice picture by Sweden based Cinematographer Martin Lang. The moment before he assembled his bike after ‘nine months of baying parts and fixing and trixin.’

April 02, 2010

Seven satellites for World Cup‎

Up to seven satellites from satellite service provider Intelsat will be available to the 2010 Soccer World Cup. “We have several satellites that we use for cont'd.

Angel Reese prepared to go on strike if WNBA demands aren't met

Chicago Sky forward Angel Reese has informally requested to join the Women's National Basketball Players Union and suggested that she co...