
February 26, 2014

USAid 'not plotting to topple Kenya government'

BBC World - I take the current state in which this country has placed itself to be a very dangerous one having to notice the criminal suggesting that amongst members from both the ODM & TNA but frankly speaking I am not interested in what happened that week nobody is afraid of the outcome especially in some of these European countries such as Ukraine and Greece. Violence is a serious matter why don't they stop closing down and laughing at us and begin finding new ways to avoid arrest engage in dialog for a better future. I am a African America I know about the escalating demand for power at the place of work food, violence which is openly shown to the media and newspapers, you cannot just sit and imagine your life is going places because what your after is probably not on the mind of a person somewhere else in our world take for instance Japan. The security of the country to which your traveling to is unknown Kenya appears to be completely out of options and is planning to approach the matter again on Friday the wrong way kind of like the route is over and the only new idea is to look into various cases, are the leaders setting a good or bad example? case is open to say whatever you are thinking. I don't speak a foreign language or want to let others know what The Military has been up to or is capable of doing, when I do speak to someone from let me say Venezuela making progress sounds easy but is difficult in such a poor environment a disgusting world where citizens talk about suffering I am reading the news from a computer and really cannot control what is being done to the Kenya. Why worry about what could happen in Africa or who your friends? what happened to your things? gather around strange individuals who tell you their interested but are just out to destroy and deny you permission especially when family is involved. I am talking about the way President handled his case is handling his success out front the news isn't worth listening to because it's back to school for some university students communicating isn't a thing of the past, buying stamps is a matter of the present how? when there isn't anything to collect. Why? when there isn't a credit card to use? the silence is making me ask if there was anyone interested in the first instant and in front of the entire country poorly why suggest otherwise? it is very soft a bad publicity stunt to have been involved in such problems. When I travel it's usually on short notice someone making a suggestion as we eat since I lived with mom there in 2005 all they showed on national television were prisoners being carried on buses and the citizens showing their arrogance towards the silent war of attrition or peace as it sometimes appears to become. Now that there is a new leader who has become president everything appears to be functioning better, except for the Syrians in the middle east, Americans in Afghanistan, French in Mali or North Africa, Ukrainians in Germany or The Netherlands immigration at the borders has become very cold an obvious applause to the unsuspecting scholar. Kenyans appear overwhelmed with the crisis so I went about meeting with some friends to ask what they think about life and it's like they are brainwashing them and breaking the law by raiding the television stations, appealing to foreign entertainment as they continue to show how some are being beaten and punched around in public, there is no point even asking about how it all started with the last elected president coming into office. Who cares everyone know what to expect from a poor economy as road construction requires money. The fact that people just don't want to appear at fault on atrocities and corrupting of another tradition, the United Kingdom arrested Mau-Mau members and broke laws in secret until this day they don't seem to want to take on new challenges such as offering work to immigrants who are brought in from other nations. I came here in 1991 and so far I have been able to read newspapers but making a living in such a location isn't simple it's hard sorry for the inconvenience nobody came to help me but family I suppose it was like a surprise. Mistreatment of troops and economics quitting jobs and coming to America to be asked about terrorism, for the land they are selling and the poor way they paid back East-Africans to improve a land which you know was going to be difficult to have discovered. These white people who owned or controlled East Africa during the old colonial days I am not the boss but someone needs to mention to those politicians that it's about new leadership nothing else it is about religion or maybe independence, freedom. Like where they are in France and parts of Asia, Malaysia, Thailand, India?? or as you may well have noticed a Hawaiian. Life under the leadership of these seven politicians hasn't been very forthcoming TNA does have it's rewards but they want to live like Jesus in Hebrews & Jews from Israel it's cool but at what price. Introduce me to my own kind and construct new places to travel to what stranger I need to go look for, when my identity get's taken from me I just imagine that there is someone somewhere who maybe doesn't know what I am going thru or why I went off to work. It just goes to show the future with no heat and having the seasons turn without anyone missing their wife it get's hard but until someone explains to the current president what the truth about humanity is he's never going to see the point in living as a Kenyan citizen. That's not coward or hippie a threat to him listen our society can improve it's a mission some people may have to realize understand what did happen in public right in front of others sometime the unknown happens. In order to win sometimes stupidity needs to end the music needs to be shut down or revoked, stopped it needs repair black and achievement of dreams. Sometime does mean the night is going to end after leaving a public mall where I can watch a movie move past alone, I admit it because in order to solve the problems we all need to have the answer explained to us check it out.

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