
February 03, 2014

Stay Home, The Terrorists Win

It's not safe to be outside certain places if your not spectating like a tourist returning from the beach..all that's left is the time clock dropping hints chiefly after they make announcement on air about the threat and you take it like the media is spying/looking at foreigners the wrong way. They already told people about getting stuff from the mall or outside the shops, meeting friends inside or outside I don't expect paparazzo and newspapers but just think after what's been shown it's not simply handed to you, it's not that kind of world anything can happen. Sitting idle in someone's crib and wondering what else can take place? I have to traveled leaving and coming back into town it just looked cold and gloomy. Because we are maybe trespassing you can find people parked and chatting at the marketplace some passing us it's expensive but I notice the groups and looks. But our ride hit a snag so after they tell the whole world there certainly was going to be something happen the partying getting in public in the late hours of the morning..a GS truck passed us and overall speed of civilian movement within the country very dangerous. If you ask me the only thing you can do to deter terrorism is to be vigilant and aware of your friends..what are they talking about? i'm alone here and I think it's over if your arrested because you are looking, listening to some cops.



Frankfurt concludes his book by discussing the rise of bullshit.[16] He does not argue that there is more bullshit in society now[when?] tha...