
January 29, 2014

CNN Weather: Who's to blame for this mess?

Winter storm hits Atlanta storm causes gridlock on highway people trapped, many drivers ran out of fuel and no shelter. I just found this in the news they are talking about it so I guess the ice covered the roads more than 40,000 people stuck on the roads, they show traffic it started yesterday or last night and mentioned just some moments ago I wanted to make the announcement because it looks  like an emergency they just reacted by showing the mayor's twitter statements. Who is to blame? because so many are stranded there is no asking how it happened.

Was Atlanta asleep at the wheel?

CNN's Carol Costello Confronts Atlanta Officials Over Snow Response

Weather cripples Atlanta, but what about the children?

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Frankfurt concludes his book by discussing the rise of bullshit.[16] He does not argue that there is more bullshit in society now[when?] tha...