
September 29, 2013

Status Update

Hello, i'm just wanting to stay posted on everything happening within my weblogs, so far there have been innumerable failures so I realize that these are just blogs and nothing more. My blog is a great place to find information relating to social connections i'm not dating anyone but find it justifiable to ask for help when I need it, as a single person it's become very lonely my luck may have changed since visiting a couple of very strange places, and helping some friends. I dunno how to say this but the term "friends" is a term I don't like to label myself & others. Because i'm a nice person I try to look into another persons perspective although since going by a prison, sitting inside a restaurant because I wanted food, asking for loose change, helping someone grab a bite to eat and various other errands i've become cold. So instead of acting like I don't believe in God or what it takes to earn a living i've challenged the way I think to believe that it's tough luck making it in a world where you notice abnormal things but just cannot do anything about where to go next. I have endured pain it's not spain or mexico it's not an argument but a rather harsh warning to make certain changes, so how can this relate to someone who doesn't work? it's true I notice the same argument being placed on me as a person who has yet to accomplish school etc. So I just want to share how difficult it's been to bounce around without speaking to my friends this is the only opportunity where I can explain the reason I haven't spoken to anyone i'm not going to run around chasing anyone because having several blogs doesn't make you wealthy or intelligent it just makes you unapologetic having to go where nobody is going. Writing about things on these blogs has caused me to understand the reason why there is so much silence but still violence affecting my world, so I don't mind coming here to be the coach/administrator.


Frankfurt concludes his book by discussing the rise of bullshit.[16] He does not argue that there is more bullshit in society now[when?] tha...