
November 29, 2012

KDF via Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia

Hello, the blog is doing fantastic uptime is okay regarding the recent surrender which happened in east africa by the defense forces a clean gateway into the turmoil surrounding domestic as well as civilians over in kismayo. Since september the border appears to be in control of the kenyan troops who requested for directions regarding Somalians and rebels spots throughout various towns, if your occupation is in the forces of Kenya and/or United Nations increased chances are you fighting for a better cause one which may involve Terrorists but it just seems like this was one quick way to wrap up and ongoing feud that has left many unemployed. What kinda mess up is it on my timeline I really don't want to get up to hear this the link should help anyone wondering about what it can take to become a universal soldier. I heard from BBC that the battle was fought and won the images in the news appear to be about troops pulling up in heavy trucks and making life better for refugees, they still cook up the beef it's a long wait perhaps a stand that may just have to be put to an end. I also have written a letter to BBC news service East Africa offering my advice I found the address my main aim is to leave the beef and settle for doing things the right way they will not be easily fooled but it's over whoever went there, expensive sedans now for Kenyan troops cashout and scarface such tendencies shouldn't deter civilians in Nairobi walking along to catch a glimpse of a plane. If your tuned into the media then you may hear about the clashes which are spreading all over the newspapers, in France for instance they cook up beef but in America they sell them sticks, sometimes whole chicken inside a grill, Italian places to chow down pizza ask around and you may even get a cold shoulder from the Tex-Mex spots. All in a good days work your not going to see anything other than an effective way of finding the bad guys whether by plane or radio, Kenya is most definately has the upper hand they are just hard to convince fromt he look of it it's just a waste trying to get what you cannot achieve. So whoever is in control of the operation certainly has to make good judgement a Major standoff mission impossible but it's only to help #KDF # #OperationLindanchi. So I also wanted to respond to the television which didn't show very much other than the documentary about poverty in Kenya a very truthful move from the enemy but the kenyan border must be controlled by these citizens.

French Court Overturns Convictions in Concorde Crash

Manslaughter convictions against Continental Airlines were overturned in a case involving an Air France Concorde jet whose deadly crash hastened the end of commercial supersonic travel.

French feminists slam Carla Bruni-Sarkozy

Former French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy’s comments about feminism, published in the cover story of the current issue of Vogue, have provoked a flurry of outraged responses via Twitter in France.

November 26, 2012

What would happen if Texas actually seceded?

"Texas' so-called 'right' to secede is no more than a politically emboldening myth, the boastful residue of the decade it spent as a sovereign nation before joining America." Still, the Lone Star State does have "an unusual ace up its sleeve" — its annexation papers do allow Texas to unilaterally split in to as many as five cont'd.

November 17, 2012

When Will our Email Betray Us? An Email Privacy Primer in Light of the Petraeus Saga

EFF - As part of the unfolding scandal that led to the resignation of CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus, the FBI read massive amounts of private email messages that uncovered an affair between Petraeus and his biographer Paula Broadwell. We've received a lot of questions about how this works, and what legal process the FBI needs to conduct its email investigation. The short answer? Our email privacy laws are hopelessly out of date. If we learn nothing else from the Petraeus scandal, it should be that our private digital lives can become all too public when over-eager federal agents aren't held to rigorous legal standards.

H&M Undresses David Beckham For Christmas

For the holidays, David Beckham enriches his H&M collection with cozy comfort, modeling once again for the Swedish high street retail giant.

November 13, 2012

Complex’s December 2012/January 2013 Issue!

Complex - Alicia Keys looks absolutely amazing on the newest cover of Complex magazine. The December 2012/January 2013 issue goes on newstands December 4, but you can now read the cover story below.

A General Lesson

David Petraeus was a decorated leader and strategic thinker. Why did he risk everything on an affair? article.

November 10, 2012

FBI probe of Petraeus began with "suspicious emails"

Y! - The CIA director announced his resignation suddenly on Friday, acknowledging an extramarital affair and saying he showed "extremely poor judgment.

November 08, 2012

Siemens to launch large-scale cost cutting

German engineering giant Siemens has announced it will cut several billion euros in operating costs over the next two years. The move comes on the back of a steep drop in full-year profits.

T-Mobile USA rips a dent in Telekom's profit

Germany's Deutsche Telekom has posted huge third-quarter losses as earnings have been heavily affected by a write-down at its T-Mobile USA division. But full-year profit forecasts and dividends remain unchanged.

Mob Rat Says Montreal Most Powerful Mafia Group

The NationalPost.com is running a story in which a "former hit man" of LCN berates the U.S. mob, calling it basically second fiddle to its neighbors preparing for battle up north. But the source is turncoat Salvatore "Big Sal" Miciotta, a former Colombo soldier who is probably making a decent living in WitPro by lending his views to American television documentaries about the mob. The article describes him as "a veteran American Mafia soldier and former hit man" and quotes him as saying that "Montreal's mobsters are by far the most significant gangsters in the world -- outpacing th... more »

How Race Slipped Away From Romney

Y! News - Mitt Romney never recovered from a crucial disadvantage he faced after the primaries.

Movie Review: Does Skyfall Celebrate James Bond’s 50th With a Worthy Addition to the Franchise? | FrontRow

Movie Review: Does Skyfall Celebrate James Bond’s 50th With a Worthy Addition to the Franchise? | FrontRow

Homelessness in France on the rise

A French non-profit organisation put out its annual report on Thursday, showing an increase in poverty and homelessness among women. Secours Catholique says difficulty finding jobs is to blame. read more

France says Iran must explain the death of Facebook blogger in prison

France called on Iran on Thursday to explain the death of a blogger in a detention centre south of Tehran. Opposition activists say Sattar Behechti was tortured to death for criticising the regime on the internet.

November 07, 2012

Anatomy of a White House win: how Obama outmaneuvered Romney

(Reuters) - On the day after the 2010 midterm election that swept Republicans into control of the House of Representatives and decreased Democrats' majority in the Senate, senior White House adviser David Axelrod had a message for President Barack Obama.

Election 2012: Myths, Lies, and Losers

Daily Beast - Barack Obama’s victory was more than a defeat of Mitt Romney. Obama also vanquished prejudice, winner-take-all economics, and attacks on the safety net. The winner is 21st-century America. 13 Must-See Moments From Election Night (video)

TV viewers wonder: Was ABC News’ Diane Sawyer drunk during Election Night live coverage?

Propped up on her elbows and seeming to slur her speech, the normally straight-laced anchor rambled through her sentences, laughing and used exaggerated hand movements, prompting many to wonder if the ‘ABC World News’ anchor was drunk on live television.

November 04, 2012

Graphic Books Best Sellers: Fiona Staples Talks About 'Saga'

The new series, by Ms. Staples and the writer Brian K. Vaughan, enters the list at No. 6.

The Past Is Never Dead: A Faulkner Quote in ‘Midnight in Paris’ Results in a Lawsuit

Faulkner Literary Rights,has filed a lawsuit over Woody Allen's 2011 film "Midnight in Paris" and what it says is that movie's unauthorized use of a line from Faulkner's "Requiem For a Nun."

Bond May Be No Saint, but He's Worthy of Vatican Attention

The Vatican newspaper commends the new James Bond film, "Skyfall," in a review, one of five articles about the Ian Fleming spy.

'Cloud Atlas': The biggest changes from the book to the movie

Moviegoing faltered over the weekend, as viewers turned their backs on a host of new films, from the silly (the Halloween romp “Fun Size”) to the surreal (the ambitious, soul-traveling epic “Cloud Atlas”). With three directors (Tom Tykwer and Lana and Andy Wachowski); more than a dozen stars, led by Tom Hanks and Halle Berry; and a running time that approaches three hours, "Cloud Atlas" ranked second with just $9.4 million in ticket sales for Warner. EW - David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas seemed unfilmable for many reasons. That's partially because of its unique structure, telling six different stories set ...

November 03, 2012

Denzel Washington Learns How to Fly

Today, I have just retured from seeing Flight not much to say about this movie, it seems like Hollywood is undergoing some renovations whatever this means it's up for the audience to decide but for now I think it's worth watching a second time. Someone is asking to find the meaning of flying who is the master here? who is in control how am I going to be able to please everyone? when all i've got is my job. Many things are on the line so I suppose looking for a problem doesn't solve it but makes it worse, I may have to cut it off stop from worried about others deal with it own issues. Just do what your told I suppose it's the Lord turning some bad scenes you hear, until you end up a screw up and make it out alive stop asking where is my job? how can I get it back you know? going to leave that alone blah come to think of it something such as acting isn't simple am going to make mistakes alone just watch it. Some of us just don't like that fact but it's true, let's just say you cannot give up but when you do don't fail at it. Never going to understand exactly what a professional Pilot has to go thru it's just funny when things go wrong it sounds well organized a higher order unable to take it from me. Who understands such things? it's up to you to decide switch to the next station or look towards the awkward dolefulness. The main performer from actor playing this elaborate role everything isn't okay did seem to attempt to ignore the main actor Denzel Washington. I follow him on twitter do not care attitude. My attitude but has changed since seeing it open in theaters.

November 01, 2012

Angel Reese prepared to go on strike if WNBA demands aren't met

Chicago Sky forward Angel Reese has informally requested to join the Women's National Basketball Players Union and suggested that she co...