
June 20, 2014

Status Updated

The blog is doing okay nothing special to say because it's been some time since I last said something, the World Cup in Brazil started this past week so whatever happens after it's over will determine the future and look of things. So far I've been meeting old friends I didn't know what to say at first it just seem like nobody really care what happens anymore after you faulted another human being but human rights matters in case you didn't know. I don't know where your going, where your taking it, what you could be talking about, why your doing what your doing, from the look of it life was a lot better before I realized it was raining and i'm walking home I notice all these people shutting down the whole block with their mentality, skill, new ideology and finesse, i'm talking about the trendsetter mentality. The borough this is where it's from, someone doing wrong thinking I don't know and cannot mention it, I just heard a foul song the lyrics extreme but we all just ignore the warning because we like to get to where we're going it's unattractive. I just hope your not talking to me because i'm not a retard I can read between the lines. So much hard work gone to waste with people in the newspapers taking lives as you try to accomplish what appears to be real goals, real achievements you people are wild, take it easy.

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Frankfurt concludes his book by discussing the rise of bullshit.[16] He does not argue that there is more bullshit in society now[when?] tha...