
March 30, 2014

War Against Terror: Military Kicks Over ‘Soft Approach’

Before saying anything I would like to begin by asking the same question many
have been asking what exactly is a Boko Haram Islamist?

I just found another interesting post regarding the
war being waged against Islamic organizations such as Boko Haram in Nigeria and various other parts of the world. I don't know what to tell people because since there aren't any jobs and making money to support oneself has become difficult I would like to tell a short story about how we managed
to complete a roadway construction before anyone realized it needed manpower and other resources. It's not simple building roads as you notice the weather changes from season to season some are forced to wake up and go to work early so to pay bills and support their families. I notice the endless traffic on the road on my way home but how do they do it? where does the help come from perhaps it's from extremist organizations such as this one. I am only just starting to notice the car commercials and since it's named after a former president leaving it would be out of the questions so I am going to talk about it here. It's very interesting to be driving or sitting as a passenger along the Dallas toll way where the construction happened I was asked to report for a job interview, I had class that day so I made plans to arrive around 12 am. But when I showed up they didn't have anyone ready and didn't appear to be interested in someone like myself dressed in civilian clothing and cowboy attire. So after she tells me that they would get back with the news about not being interested I immediately became suspicious about their facility, it looked awfully new outside we go by there and it's unbelievable to imagine myself working in such an area, especially since it's miles away from where I stay. So before going out there I checked for directions and then started driving it's now complete this Dallas highway I mean it stretches for miles. I notice road construction there once huge concrete barriers for the entire length of it, at the tune of $7 million dollars provided nothing for us, all over the town it appeared to be taking me somewhere until I realized I was out of a job the most expensive road construction project in the state's budget. It however ended why doesn't someone say something about why it is called that "George Bush" freeway and where it could have taken people? Ikea. Today since motor vehicles use it on a daily basis I would like to be given a job. Someone in one of my classes in school tells me they work for the highway authority of North Texas so I was just wondering if you've ever driven on this road before? if you haven't then let me tell you it's completely long but very comfortable driving on it isn't as bad as it sounds but whoever constructed it definitely didn't care about making money from it, how families would handle it's resoluteness because civil engineering sometimes makes confusion about environmental standards. Because it's a laborious task having to pick people up and take them home, drop them off then back again so why not mention it I thought. Just wondering what could happen if you didn't obey traffic laws while rolling on such a road because it appears to have been constructed by terrorists not the NTTA.

Boko originally means fake but came to signify Western education, while haram means forbidden. The name sounds familiar derived from the leaves of some African bush please don't laugh but I don't mind explaining how the term made it on this weblog from Maiduguri in 2002. Secondly, I found leaves from Japanese
garden where you can locate the same stuff. The Nigerian state look took it to another level by their uncalled for reaction to the groups intelligent warnings asking for some exposure and basically making it on their own. Now it's a well known terror group who's purpose is to promote a version of Islam which makes it "haram", or forbidden, for Muslims to take part in any political or social activity associated with Western society.

Since the Sokoto caliphate, which ruled parts of what is now northern Nigeria, Niger and southern Cameroon, fell under British control in 1903, there has been resistance among the area's Muslims to Western education.

The group is sometimes known for it's shoot-outs on Maiduguri's streets, their leadership and rule is complex to say nothing of a 15-minute video posted on YouTube, the group's leader Abubakar Shekau defended the group's targeting of Christians, saying this was revenge for previous attacks on Muslim.
Condemning the activities of the Boko Haram sect in north-eastern Nigeria, he said it was a “stark reminder” for sub-regional leaders to urgently put heads together and nip the violence in the bud. The security situation in north-eastern Nigeria, Mali and Guinea Bissau as well as the next elections in Guinea Bissau topped the agenda of issues that dominated discussions at the opening ceremony of the summit.

So the fight is really over territories all over the world ongoing war against the insurgents despite the “Soft Approach” program which appears to be the one of the ways Nigeria would like to battle Boko Haram criminal activities.

According to the NSA, the objective is to engage violent extremist convicts and suspects in theological, ideological, physical and entrepreneurial value change that will lead to a change in their behavior.

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