
March 31, 2013

Raila concedes defeat as plans for inauguration on April 9 begin in earnest


How much gold is there in the world?

Imagine if you were a super-villain who had taken control of all the world's gold, and had decided to melt it down to make a cube. How big would it be? Hundreds of metres cubed, thousands even?

Rant: White Ranch

This is a rant I would like to post about labor and life in Texas, since I have the day off I would just like to wish everyone reading this a happy Easter. But overworking is really getting upsetting it caused sickness and sometimes fatigue, arguing over absolutely nothing. Frankly march madness is all over I even noticed the basketball game which had been setup nearby at Cowboy Stadium I go by there the last time being while driving past the Chris Brown concert some months ago the traffic drought in there it's huge it's all very important but I want to go to a University it's causing me to have road rage and about time you pass the eighteen wheelers say you cannot break the speed limit. I even notice high performance cars flying to Florida recently gave me the opportune time to call home and speak about my life. It's just loud like a bang a finish seldom times I wake up early to follow CNN news and i'm sad to say the work is labor intensive and stressful to us all outside can y'all quit and maybe follow the march madness. The recent game at the Cowboys stadium nearby wasn't clear it's like the daily schedule is going to have to be revoked, because starting Tuesday I am going to begin work as apart of the working population. Following the Super Bowl at New Orleans super dome I had jury duty and wasn't able to step into the local university library to check my inbox the working is stressing I know so I am not going to take it out on myself. I was at the courts and a man asked me if he could use the cellphone so I gave it to him knowing I had to go out the next day. What happened is I ran out of petrol you know how it is in North Texas, sometimes finding work is difficult and all I do is broadcast or listen to music I come across a lot of issues dealing with kids and my cousin just gave birth the stress isn't helping me pay my bills can singing a song do it. If you happened to take someone on a date to the b-ball game, I may have been able to see you entering the stadium I knew College basketball fans to be in town but I didn't see anything else. So this occurence warning to stay away from "black girls" is clearly what I have been saying a lot to myself it's okay but I can handle a stressful situation. When I see one simple sign I think to handle it like a man. If I wasn't out of work I would be able to do just that throw stones and ignore the bad weather ride around getting it, telling myself from here I drive home from there listen to the problem the DJ must be a traveler with insurance. If only I knew how much the hotel bill costs, at the supermarket a price of a college education going to pronounce it correctly.

Cory Booker: Which smart phone does the Twitter master prefer?

You may be shocked to see which smartphone one of the most wired politicians in the country prefers.
Cory Booker's Twitter Talk at SXSW Shows He's Really an Old-School Pol
Paying the Costs of Iraq, for Decades to Come
Why the Euro Is Doomed in 4 Steps
Are Drone Strikes Killing Terrorists or Creating Them?
The Madness of Cesar Chavez
ZDNet Hindu

March 30, 2013

What to watch for at New York Auto Show next week

Expo's 900,000-square-foot show floor will feature more than 1,000 vehicles, including a host making their world or U.S.-market debuts. "Nobody ever bought a Corolla because they thought they looked good driving them," Bob Carter said. "That will change." Management changes 'huge turning point' for Toyota

New financial year may bring more container cargo - The Hindu

New financial year may bring more container cargo - The Hindu

Analysis: Western states walk diplomatic tight-rope over Kenyatta win

Uhuru Kenyatta's victory in Kenya's presidential vote presents Western states with the challenge of keeping an elected leader charged with crimes against humanity at arms length while preserving valuable security and business ties.

Analysis: Western states walk diplomatic tight-rope over Kenyatta win

Uhuru Kenyatta's victory in Kenya's presidential vote presents Western states with the challenge of keeping an elected leader charged with crimes against humanity at arms length while preserving valuable security and business ties.

On the NewsHour: Mohsin Hamid, Author of 'How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia'

article How Hip-Hop Can Help Unlock a Passion for Science Songs in the Key of Biology

Video: Juicy J – Stay Fly (Live in Dallas)

Video: Juicy J – Stay Fly (Live in Dallas) Live In Dallas

March 28, 2013

Rio 2016 Olympics: stadium closed indefinitely over safety fears

Guardian - Closure follows discovery of structural problems with roof of stadium scheduled to host athletics events at Games

Chicago stamps out the Heat's win streak – but the NBA is the real loser

Miami's 27-game win streak turned would-be ordinary games into must-watch television – until the Bulls ended the party cont'd

March 27, 2013

March 23, 2013

Chinua Achebe, African Literary Titan, Dies at 82

Mr. Achebe, the celebrated author of “Things Fall Apart,” wrote stirring essays and poignant poems rooted in his native Nigeria’s cities and countryside. Chinua Achebe, African Literary Titan, Dies at 82 Mr. Achebe, the celebrated author of “Things Fall Apart,” wrote stirring essays and poignant poems rooted in his native Nigeria’s cities and countryside.

Saturday's March Madness slate: NCAA tournament TV schedule, times

Wichita State vs. Texas A&M review. Saturday's March Madness slate: NCAA tournament TV schedule, times

March 22, 2013

IEBC wants Raila’s petition dismissed

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) wants the Supreme Court to throw out the petition filed by Prime Minister Raila Odinga challenging the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as president. In its response to the petition by Odinga, IEBC argued there is no legal foundation that would warrant invalidation of the results of the March 4 election.

March 21, 2013

Facebook Graph Search: The Good, The Bad, The UGLY!

Besides covering The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, we’ll also go into The How and The What of Facebook Graph Search, which launched in January 2013. go here

Turkish capital Ankara hit by twin explosions

Two people are wounded in explosions at Turkey's justice ministry and the headquarters of the governing AK Party, reports say.

What Pacman has to say

What Pacman has to say

March 19, 2013

Negative Polaroid

Disillusioned, Stupidly hopeful, Unrealistically romantic, Distrusting, Too devoted, Too faithful, Too loyal, Liar, Mirror image, Deceitful, Dogmatic, Proud, Strong temper, Expecting, Jealous.

March 15, 2013

Airport Screening Concerns Civil Liberties Groups

Civil liberties groups and some European regulators are questioning a plan that would determine which passengers pose a threat based on data collected by governments and airlines.

Cardinals Pick Bergoglio, Who Will Be Pope Francis

The Roman Catholic Church’s cardinals signaled that the faith’s future lies in the Southern Hemisphere.

March 14, 2013

Kenyatta’s ICC case strong – Bensouda

Capital FM - International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda maintains that the decision to drop charges against former head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura has no impact on her case against President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta. In her submission to the court, she explained that withdrawal of charges against one alleged indirect co-perpetrator does not automatically affect the other accused, so Kenyatta’s case remains.

Google Concedes That Drive-By Prying Violated Privacy

NYT - In agreeing to settle a case brought by 38 states over the Street View mapping project, the company for the first time is required to aggressively police its own workers on privacy issues. Daily Report: Google Hastens to Show Concern for Privacy cont'd.. Daily Report: Google Concedes That Drive-by Prying Violated Privacy Google Hastens to Show Its Concern for Privacy cont'd..

ODM Reacts

I think they are trying to say that there was discrimination because some people could be seen being escorted to prison. It wasn't until l8r that I realized the province which I normally travel to was cut off from voting for Cord. In other words they switched to senator ballots instead of president. I would rather they tally the vote and finish. I mean why was Nyanza left out to dry like fish, people complained about it and no reaction. Certain towns got away with throwing out ballot boxes but to tell the truth if you have problems to do with a leading politician get outta Mombasa. At the Coast one army officer is heard speaking to reporters about an incident involving criminals a shootout with bandits who I believe live in that area. So the mistake is on the citizen/politician with less what do you have there? machetes. Obtained from ODM facebook transcript post: To be prudent is to be partial NAIROBI — Over the years I’ve come to view the Kenyan media with a mixture of respect and affection. In the 1990s, I watched in awe as Kenyan photographers dodged Daniel arap Moi’s club-wielding riot police. When their colleagues in the newsroom exposed financial scandals, ranging from Goldenberg to Anglo Leasing, I pasted their articles into my files. Like the press pack anywhere, Kenyan journalists liked their beer and could wolf down a buffet in a heartbeat, and the odd brown envelope definitely changed hands. But they were brave. “The best press in Africa,” I told anyone who cared to listen. So Kenya’s recent election has been a baffling, frustrating time. In the last few weeks, Western journalists — myself included — have become pariahs, lambasted by Kenya’s twitterati and Facebook users for our coverage and threatened by the government with deportation. The fury seems exaggerated, given the relative rarity of offending articles. Western reports have attracted undue interest, I’m convinced, because domestic coverage, while increasingly slick, has been so lifeless. It sometimes feels as though a zombie army has taken up position where Kenya’s feisty media used to be, with local reporters going glaze-eyed through the motions. This malaise was most obvious last week during briefings by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission at the tallying center in Bomas, just outside Nairobi, when what had been billed as a high-tech, tamper-proof election began to unravel spectacularly. The Kenyan media of old would have gone for the jugular. But when the commission chairman, Issack Hassan, after describing yet another puzzling technical glitch or mysterious delay, asked, “Any questions?” the response was stunned silence. It was the same when independent election monitors announced their findings. Given just how many anomalies were surfacing, the upbeat assessments of observers from the African Union, the European Union and the Commonwealth seemed inexcusably complacent. Yet once again, Kenyan journalists left most of the questions to their Western counterparts. Lethargy should not be mistaken for laziness. Yes, rumors are swirling about payoffs and conflicts of interest. But this professional surrender, ironically, appears to stem from the very best of intentions. During the violence that followed the 2007 election, when militias burned families out of their houses and executed members of rival ethnic communities, Kenya’s media played a not-entirely-innocent role. Hate speech spread by vernacular radio stations and via SMS egged on the men with machetes, just as they once had in Rwanda. One of the three indictees facing trial before the International Criminal Court in The Hague is Joshua arap Sang, who ran the Kalenjin-language radio station Kass FM. Chastened by that experience, media executives reached a gentlemen’s agreement to avoid anything that might whip up ethnic tensions ahead of this year’s election. There would be no live coverage of announcements or press conferences by political parties. “Last time,” the media “were part of the problem,” a Kenyan broadcaster told me. “They were corrupted; they were irresponsible. So this time there was a feeling that we had to keep everyone calm, at the expense, if necessary, of our liberties.” But self-censorship comes at a price: political impartiality. The decision not to inflame ethnic passions meant that media coverage shifted in favor of whoever took an early lead, in this case Uhuru Kenyatta. Hours after the CORD alliance of the opposition leader Raila Odinga announced that it wanted the tallying of ballots stopped and an audit conducted, Kenyan radio D.J.’s were still cheerfully assuring listeners that everything was on track. That may have prevented passions in Odinga’s Luo community from exploding, but it was a massive distortion of the truth. The local media swiftly fell into the habit of brushing off CORD’s declarations. Television broadcasts of Odinga’s announcement that he would challenge the outcome of the election before the Supreme Court switched to Uhuru’s acceptance speech before the Q. and A. with Odinga had even begun. By this Wednesday, Kenya’s largest newspaper devoted more space to the selection of a new pope than to the lawsuits being prepared by CORD and civil society groups. The Kenyan media’s self-restraint reveals a society terrified by its own capacity for violence. “What maturity is this that trembles at the first sign of disagreement or challenge?” asked the Kenyan cartoonist Patrick Gathara in a superb blog post, citing a national “peace lobotomy.” He went on: “What peace lives in the perpetual shadow of a self-annihilating violence?” Shortly before handing Uhuru his winner’s certificate, the chairman of the election commission congratulated the Kenyan media on their “exemplary behavior.” As he did, the screen above his head was showing figures that did not add up. Any journalist worth their salt should start feeling itchy when praised by those in authority. The recent accolades will chafe as more polling irregularities become public. The media should be asking themselves whether, in their determination to act responsibly, they allowed another major abuse to occur right before their eyes. Michela Wrong has covered Africa for nearly two decades, reporting for Reuters, the BBC and The Financial Times. She is the author of “It’s Our Turn to Eat: The Story of a Kenyan Whistleblower.”

Interview with A Hotelier - Monica Berg


William Hague criticises Russia over Sergei Magnitsky case

William Hague has criticised Moscow's handling of the death of the whistle-blowing lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, even as Britain and Russia held talks described as an "important milestone" in improving ties.

March 13, 2013

Kenya’s Election: What Uhuru Kenyatta’s Victory Means for Africa

A very interesting article about Kenya's 4th president elect much of what i'm hearing is that the ICC trial is underway. So much of what your seeing is news clips from various sources in the media, i'm not going to forget the events which rocked Kenyan media. It seems like we all just wake up to blame those who turned up to see what was going on, I recall how on that day I returned from school and saw the fighting and now it's clearly being said that many lives were lost, property arguments may have started this fiasco and now someone is to blame, Kenya's Kenyatta the 4th elected president. The media tried to cover the story it was all over the news but anyway I just want something to show what is happening as the escalating violent uprising already happened and it does often to unassuming countries. Priorities excluding leadership are not my concern educating them is at this time. I looking forward to the new government structure not going to worry rather going to leave the discussion open I understand look forward to a peaceful ending as little is done to repair roads, police, cure diseases, modernize housing, transportation and upgrade of infrastructure EA may be falling behind only because of that french wine executive branch. If in fact it is to blame it's probably only because of the classes like one school set apart from figuring out about the other, gossip because the rioting was really not what I expected to continue into my school year. So I would settle after the usual made it's way into my living room East Africa confused socialist sentiments to say the least Kenya isn't worried about foreign bloggers. I would want to go there but think they have a problem with trusting one another, sometimes not even Christ himself can walk by without being labeled a misbehavior in public a let down. The flag for Christ's sake is often not pleasing when you think how poor they view them people. A judge said thru one announcement that there is just not enough evidence I can see for myself but do think I should blame the citizens. I am assuming you keep up with the news and not going elsewhere Africa is really good a place to sit and meet friends however the mess may need cleaning up in the meantime your going to see about it in the media. Is this person guilty or innocent? this is the question. Until the ICC trial ends I suppose it's just not going to be worth it causing anymore troubling remarks.

Olympics: G4S 'Should Be Blacklisted' Say MPs

G4S, the security firm that failed to deliver over London 2012, should be blacklisted from major Government contracts, MP's say. A report into the potential problems over security at this summer's Olympic Games has been scathing about the performance of security firm G4S.

President Barack Obama is seen at a bilateral meeting April 5, 2009, with former Czech President

Boeing gets OK to test new 787 battery

(Reuters) - Boeing Co(BA.N) got approval from U.S. transport regulators on Tuesday to start testing a redesigned battery for the 787 Dreamliner, putting it one step closer to getting the troubled airplane back into regular service.

March 11, 2013

wang shu: imagining the house book - lars müller publishers

wang shu: imagining the house book - lars müller publishers

Japan earthquake could be heard from space

The colossal earthquake that sent a devastating tsunami barreling into Japan two years ago was so big it could be heard from space, a study has said. cont'd

Fukushima victims sue Japan government, Tepco

Hundreds of people affected by the Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan filed a class action lawsuit demanding greater efforts to clean up the contaminated region two years on from the disaster.

High cost of cheap energy: Fukushima tragedy 2 years on

RT - Yeah thanks to Tepco employees investigating the accident bringing the crisis to a stop. So much was lost I basically got the news about it thru the radio and within hours I could see the news about it on TV. It was calm but the victims who were in and around the area couldn't come to grips with the accident. It's over but the ghost can be felt I never thought Japanese could numb such a pain but they have and it's no wonder Hollywood isn't even interested. The problem burst and people just looked ahead moist stuff floating as the water level arose, it was like a melting pot with damages cars cooking. The only thing sinking was the electric bill I had so many question's to ask those engineers but it's compressed nobody wants to talk about it, good luck to them.

A Rare Glimpse At North Korea's Tech Culture

North Koreans are beginning to get access to cellphones, tablets, and even social networking. article.

US-South Korea drills begin amid North Korea tensions

BBC - The US and South Korea have begun annual military drills amid high tensions with North Korea in the wake of a UN sanctions vote. Y! News - South Korean and US troops launched a joint military exercise Monday as North Korea, which has slammed the drill and threatened both countries with nuclear attack, severed its hotline with Seoul.

March 10, 2013

South Africa calls for Kenyan parties to resolve election disputes legally

"The South African government is confident that any of the parties that might have a dispute with the outcome of the General Election will adhere to the Electoral Code of Conduct and their undertaking to follow the required legal avenues that have been put in place for managing such disputes," the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRC) said in a statement. Kenya's Jubilee alliance's Uhuru Kenyatta won the elections held on March 4.

It has been a long walk to top leadership for president-elect

On meeting Mr Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta for the first time, one is put at ease by his affability, communicated by a relaxed smile and a mighty handshake that can last the better part of a minute Cont'd.. .

Picking Cabinet next challenge for Jubilee leadership

Daily Nation - President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President-elect William Ruto will have to consider many factors as they plan to pick nominees of their 21-member Cabinet. The highlights of the agreement signed between The National Alliance (TNA) and the United Republican Party (URP) are a 50-50 sharing of Cabinet and Civil Service positions. The two parties are yet to give details about how they will share out the Cabinet portfolios.

History is made as IEBC declares Kenyatta’s son President-elect

Daily Nation - Mr Ruto, like Mr Kenyatta, has been indicted by the International Criminal Court and their election puts the nation into uncharted waters. The pair is the first to be democratically elected into office anywhere in the world while under the shadow of an indictment from the ICC. This fact and the violent outcome of the last General Election meant that this was one of the most closely watched polls in Sub-Saharan Africa since the post-Apartheid 1994 elections in South Africa. The March 4, 2013 General Election was historic at many levels.

Uhuru to make choice regarding flag design

President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta will on Monday hand in his presidential standard design to the Committee on Assumption to the office of the president for designing. Cont'd

March 09, 2013

Raila Odinga, Kenyan Prime Minister and presidential candidate

France 24 - On the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Markus Karlsson talks to the Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga. They discuss the interest of international investors when it comes to Africa and the upcoming presidential election in which Odinga is running.

NCAA: Skylar Diggins Takes To Twitter After Nude Photos Leak!

Well Skylar Diggins didn’t confirm or deny the nude photos after they leaked late last night, but she did have something to say that seemed to address it this morning. Check out her tweet after the jump…

Kenyatta Declared Kenya's Next President

NAIROBI—Kenya's election commission on Saturday declared Uhuru Kenyatta the country's next president, handing control of East Africa's biggest economy to a man charged with crimes against humanity.

March 06, 2013

Uhuru Kenyatta accuses British envoy of 'shadowy, sinister' role in Kenya election

Britain's High Commissioner to Kenya has a "shadowy, sinister" involvement in the country's election and is "canvassing to deny outright victory" to Uhuru Kenyatta, the leading presidential candidate, Mr Kenyatta's team said on Wednesday.

When Ian Fleming picked my grandfather to steal Nazi secrets

BBC - When naval intelligence officer Ian Fleming set up a secret commando unit during World War II, among those handpicked for duty was Theo Ionides - my grandfather. His band of real-life James Bonds helped change the course of the war.

March 05, 2013

Francesca Felucci: I would not start again the same way I did.

She started as a fashion model,model for sportwear and swimsuite, later as a porno-model, today one of the most interesting erotic and a fetish models. Francesca Felucci talked to us about the essential.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has died after a two-year battle with cancer, ending t...

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has died after a two-year battle with cancer, ending t...: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has died after a two-year battle with cancer, ending t... Devastated, mourning Chavez supporters pour onto streets Cont'd.

Lakers Fans Should Embrace Kobe Bryant's New Nickname

Y! The numbers for the 2012-13 campaign are other-worldly when considering age and miles on Bryant's legs. He's averaging 27.3 points, 5.5 rebounds and 5.6 assists in over 38 minutes per game. He's getting it done defensively as well, averaging 1.3 steals per contest.

March 04, 2013

Kenya awaits presidential election results

Kenyans are awaiting results in their country's presidential election, after millions cast their votes on Monday. cont'd Kenyan county official denies attack at polling station here.

Kenyans go to the poll

Five years after more than 1,000 people were killed in election-related violence, Kenyans went to the polls on Monday to begin casting votes in the nationwide election seen as the country's most important - and complicated - in its 50-year history.

The 30 Hottest Female Athletes We Can Follow on Instagram

The 30 Hottest Female Athletes We Can Follow on Instagram Read more at rantsports.

Kenyans turn up in large numbers to vote

Long queues and alphabetical identification of voters has been the major challenge facing most polling stations in Nairobi. read more

March 03, 2013

Disruptions: As User Interaction on Facebook Drops, Sharing Comes at a Cost

It seems as if Facebook is not only promoting paid links on news feeds, but also possibly suppressing the ones that aren’t paid for.

Secrets of Nairobi’s exclusive sex dens

Standard - The main house has six bedrooms, but behind it there is a half-acre garden that has seven cottages for those wishing to spend an entire weekend.

The changing face of the presidency

KENYA: When Kenyans go to the polls on Monday, they will be laying and fitting the first building blocks for a brand new presidency and, hopefully, a brand new and better Kenya. article Why polls offered little headache to Kenyatta and Moi Uhuru overcomes political, legal challenges in State House bid The drama and intrigues of Kenya’s past elections Will Raila break the jinx of his democratic struggle this time? CORD alleges Jubilee threats to supporters Jubilee alliance of kenya- The Jubilee Alliance is a four party coalition established to support the joint presidential elections ticket of Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto in the 2013 Kenya general elections. Its members are TNA, NARC, URP, and Republican Congress. Sense & Sensibility capitalism- distribution within East Africa of vehicles and their maintenance. Africa: a story of economic reclaim sovereignty and aid. Kenyan's self reliance provided there is leveled security and authority for production. ICC Hague / ICC prosecutor mandates Mayflower 2012. CNN Financial Times vs PM Raila Warnings of poll violence danger roads conditions effectx citizen before/after elections Clean Script copy & paste get it correct this time a consumers power..trendseting France 24 totalitarianism Tea Party movement - A grass roots movement (it is not a political party) started in 2009. The name references the Boston Tea Party protest of 1773. The movement is made up of several independent organizations, which all came together under a powerful, leaderless Tea Party movement. The movement grew rapidly, protesting pork barrel and government spending, the appropriation of the banking and auto industry, government takeover of Healthcare, the national deficit, and earmarks from congressional backroom deals. They showed up at Townhall meetings and decried politics-as-usual incumbents. The movement backed candidates replaced many incumbents during the 2010 election cycle. Professionalism Coup- abiding to the laws politechnic watching for events forming "actors/actresss" control things within your environment sitting at campus or university the media an organized criminals form of power. Government mishandling of teacher pay & aid vegan entertainment, city traffic, bad roads, slow commuting Africa East Africa government financial institutions open/closed MIB. Civil service well educated mustard embrasse Zionism. The matrix was liberal going down moving towards election day (radio communication) various conflicting accounts of spying on the UN or united nations jobs mandate to erradicate poverty and make changes freedom.

Islamist militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar 'killed in Mali'

Islamist militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar has been killed by Chadian soldiers in Mali, Chad's armed forces say. source bbc

March 02, 2013

NBA schedule 2013: Grizzlies-Heat and Thunder-Nuggets highlight a loaded slate on Friday

The national showcase games on Friday night should be great, as the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Miami Heat in the early game and the Oklahoma City Thunder match up against the Denver Nuggets later in the evening on ESPN.

March 01, 2013

Stuxnet Missing Link Found, Resolves Some Mysteries Around the Cyberweapon

The new finding, described in a paper released by Symantec on Tuesday (.pdf), resolves a number of longstanding mysteries around a part of the attack code that appeared in the 2009 and 2010 variants of Stuxnet but was incomplete in those variants and had been disabled by the attackers.

Trump issues 'last warning' to Hamas as US confirms direct hostage talks

US President Donald Trump has issued what he called a "last warning" to Hamas to release the hostages being held in Gaza. go here