
August 29, 2016

Prince Dead at 57: Inside the Legend’s Final Days, Last Performance

Prince Was Writing a Memoir Before His Death
At an event announcing the project in March, the seven-time Grammy winner said that the memoir would cover, among other things, his 2007 Super Bowl XLI halftime show, which is remembered by many as one of the best — if not the best — of all time.

Prince Dead at 57: Inside the Legend’s Final Days, Last Performance

Madonna Is 'Devastated' Over Prince's Death: See Her Tribute

French Montana and Iggy Azalea Keep Dating Rumors Going With Trip to Mexico

French Montana and Iggy Azalea Keep Dating Rumors Going With Trip to Mexico

Read More: French Montana and Iggy Azalea Keep Dating Rumors Going With Trip to Mexico - XXL | link

From: 411 Molo
To: Iggy Azalea & French Montana

Neat knowing about you two getting together on a boat there are so many places to go to such as the French Riviera, I was just been released from lockup i've been home for about 11 days and have had some time to think about where I lived. I didn't know I was such an uncoordinated individual until the law requested for me to tell everyone what I had learned after my experience confined to a cell inside County Jail, State Hospital etc. I told them how I felt about pushing people around it's not everyday that you get woken up and asked to eat three times a day, read this and do that, so I accept pushing people as the only thing I did learn and wanted to share with y'all while in jail. This is just something I posted I don't mind having seen you together it's all good, I am not as talented as you two, I cannot think of a song but when I do it better not be about a monkey. I believe Iggy Azalea to be talented so is French Montana, I hope they can both work on presentation but this rumor is certainly going to have me rolling for a few more days. Thank the lord for his blessings I got two artists sitting on a boat next to each other, I got nothing more to say or do but thank the lord for his miracles each and every season.

French Montana and Iggy Azalea Keep Dating Rumors Going With Trip to Mexico

French Montana and Iggy Azalea Keep Dating Rumors Going With Trip to Mexico

Read More: French Montana and Iggy Azalea Keep Dating Rumors Going With Trip to Mexico - XXL | link

From: 411 Molo
To: Iggy Azalea & French Montana

Nice to hear about you two getting on a cruise there are so many places to go to such as the french riviera, sad to know I just been released i've been home for about a week and have had some time to think about how I live and act. I didn't know I was such an uncoordinated individual until the judge asked me what I had learned after my experience confined to a cell inside Tarrant County. I told them how I felt about pushing people around it's not everyday that you get woken up and asked to read the bible, read this and do that so I accept pushing people as the only thing I did learn while in jail. This is just something I posted I don't mind having seen you together it's all good, I am not as talented as you two, I cannot think of a song but when I do it better not be about a monkey. I believe Iggy Azalea to be talented so is French Montana, I hope they can both work on presentation but this rumor is certainly going to have me rolling for a few more days. Thank the lord for his blessings I got two artists sitting on a boat next to each other, I got nothing more to say or do but thank the lord for his miracles each and every season.

Beyoncé's Mom Tina Knowles Stands Up For Colin Kaepernick [PHOTO]


On Saturday morning (August 27), rapper/songwriter Rhymefest was robbed at gun point by an unidentified man in his hometown, Chicago. As a prominent public figure of Chicago‘s Southside, Rhymefest has been working tirelessly to prevent the ongoing violence that plagues his community.

August 24, 2016

Status Update

If your searching for some of my blogs which I had been maintaining they've been removed. I decided to shut them down because they were taking up so much space it was ridiculous anyway, if you want to know which ones I took down the list is here after this note. But why when there's nothing to do? I guess the reaction I was getting from onlookers they just kept punishing me I guess it sounded cool at first then it came apart. It just wasn't working like the reboot for the show Dallas making things happen just didn't look real, I wrote down the ideas and come to think of it I wasn't going to just waste my time I dunno who made me do it but creating a blog is pretty easy you just need to learn how to moderate and administer them. Until I felt that there wasn't going to be a need to write on blogs, I could use that time to build other things instead and make better sense work. So now that they're down I feel like it's no longer a gamble no longer a myth not having to use them their down, they weren't on my to do list no importance. Writing doesn't come easy to some people, a blog had numerous problems unlike what you think imagine de-linking leads to those near mishaps from well scripted, coding, social networking to poor web scripting. I think I checked even the biz news and everyone is just asleep on the things I posted etc I learned alot. In addition I spent time thinking during the Rio Olympics why I wasn't able to travel to Brazil it was easy?? I answered because I tried to maintain a weblog make money. It's because of people and my safety as well as yours that they stopped where I was taking all that work my fault I dunno. To tell the truth it became obvious how someone would just go on insulting me so the gamble, I can think on my own now work better you don't need to show me much enough. Additionally I was locked up and it made better sense saying nothing to anyone during the awards where was I?? so now I can dream and work there's space to imagine my way through trouble. You know i'm financially not able to obtain anything, not updating made them look awful. Now their gone there's more time to think more space during those sad moments. I realize it wasn't important it couldn't work maybe some other time like a sound from Baduism, immediately I assume it's one of two things. If you would like to compete do it read more about the games just do you do what you feel like.

Itemize Entertainment
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

Eclipse Transportation
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

KDF Weblog
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

Deleted Aug 22, 2016

Murphy Performance
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

JPS Medical

Omolo Design
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

Weft Investing
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

Dallas Cowboys Football
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

Deleted Aug 22, 2016

Restaurant Italia
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

Film Blog
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

San Marco Mobile
Deleted Aug 22, 2016

ST Aerospace Co
Deleted Aug 23, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg headed to Italy after earthquake

Mark Zuckerberg is flying to Rome to chat up local Facebook users, days after a devastating earthquake struck central Italy.

Judge Jeanine Lays Out All the Things the Democratic Party Has Done for the Black Community

Sunday, Judge Jeanine Pirro praised GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s recent minority outreach comments on her Fox show, “Justice with Judge Jeanine.”

August 21, 2016

Finally Home

Finally able to make a post it's been almost five months since I said much but i'm finally able to post at least something. I been away from my desk nothing to fear it's what i'm watching I guess with several blogs to run I barely have time to speak to folks. I ran into someone awhile ago you know introductions are an obsession I have done enough, hand shaking to know what to do when you meet someone who's done some work on bikes. I was at the North Texas State Hospital which is nearly 3 hours away from the Tarrant County jail, I wasn't able to leave but I ran into a person who has done many things to shape the motorcycle biz; anyway we fooled around and spoke somewhat about how to ride and his collection of ammunition which I thought was dangerous so I tried not speaking to him too much. So I asked him what about the work he's done towards motorbikes and he told me a thing or two about the imprint on the back of his Harley Davidson t-shirt he has on. Which didn't resemble black it was faded out, so I kept quiet and tried to make sure that I was able to remember the title name since they've been building custom chopper bikes now for years. I hope your looking at this from the stand point of engineers and are not afraid to push up on stuff. I am finally back at home my car is in the garage I am unable to move it, I think the stickers are old but I will be out on the road soon as I get a job. I been gone but it wasn't long I heard so much about the "N word" that I don't feel it necessary to use it. On Friday I packed up my things and was told to wait for my ride, I may have left those dudes at the hospital but I promised to put in a word about them in case I got out. I ate three times a day and caught up with the action you know the fighting over territory, the constant request to eat noodles, the visitors, the prayer etc. I will try not getting drunk despite my loneliness inside NTSH that place did plenty to feed us and provide me with a place to sleep, I deny smoking a cigar while using someone phone outside. But I called home to speak to my cousin who agreed to come get me from outside the Justice center. I called my cousin to come get me it was 5 months I am guessing since leaving home to go to court when I got released right at the front of the court house I made up my mind. No fooling around with drugs especially alcohol, they called me to go speak to the judge it was around 10 AM and I had been thinking about leaving jail the previous day so I thank everyone for their support.

Angel Reese prepared to go on strike if WNBA demands aren't met

Chicago Sky forward Angel Reese has informally requested to join the Women's National Basketball Players Union and suggested that she co...