
October 27, 2010

October 25, 2010

My AT&T Customer Service Nightmare

One move, plus one e-mail password snafu add up to one frustrating week for this PC and iPhone user. Dear AT&T: You should be able to do better customer service than this.

October 19, 2010


I've been driving mostly during the day ever since I was taken to the airport arriving back to witness yet another strange event, going past five european cars asian model car a fire on the side of the road a number of fire trucks witness this everyday. I want to learn about architecture since learning hearing about it at school, certainly going to ask questions about economics. Apple is also gearing up for the challenge, and so while outside yesterday arriving without a navigation device, I parked next to a newly developed Hospital no wonder. But for instance virgin music completed a very large store downtown, I have gone past there numerous times and heard cars. What do you think about cubicles and trains? if any of these things interest you leave a comment.

Cars and Wind: What's Next for Google as It Pushes Beyond the Web?

Google, a vanguard of the Internet, has placed its bets on the high-tech transformation of non-tech industries -- cars and wind energy.

October 14, 2010

Tokyo Mandarin: Yours for a Night and $672,150

It would be Mandarin-O-Palooza: Luxed-out hospitality meets princely libations for the ultimate slumber party.

The Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Tokyo is turning five years old this December.

October 13, 2010

Microsoft Smartphone !ncluded

Somehow, Microsoft Is Even More Uptight Than Apple About Its Apps Store

Read more: here

October 11, 2010

Guide to copy-and-paste in Windows Phone 7

If your interested in any of these headlines about the Microsoft phone just leave a comment I asked for and noticed the electronics store no longer selling Sony products such as the boombox. So I started to feel uncomfortable knowing I couldn't trust any other manufacturer. I called Sony before walking there again to ask about their new line of camera's. I spoke to a sales man i'm told to register this product so I don't loose it. I have already sold it, it was a new camera purchased at the store. I hope your going to do your homework before believing in any of these gadget guides. I just regret loosing my camera the remaining thing isn't Sony it's the empty hand. What do you think should Sony USA have created this gadget instead of Microsoft I already noticed the Apple ipad what about letting Sony electronics for a change. I no longer notice consumers going to the local electronics stores to choose blueray dvd's and/or talk about that empty spot on the rack. See the headlines

The current version of Windows Phone 7 lets you move the cursor, but not highlight any segment of text. So I imagined that the copy and paste feature would ...

Microsoft: Copy and Paste coming to Windows Phone in early 2011‎

Find info about the new Windows Phone 7 mobile operating system and how it is revolutionizing mobile devices and smart phones.

October 09, 2010

Italy's problems go deeper than Berlusconi

The bungling prime minister is only the public face of a morally corrupt society to which a weak opposition poses little alternative

October 08, 2010

London Design Festival 2010

We're always excited to see what the internationally renowned Designersblock exhibition has in store, and this year's quirky, thought-provoking selection for the London Design Festival did not disappoint. The show itself was housed at a location that was just as interesting in terms of design as the products were - the Bargehouse down at the South Bank. The Bargehouse offered a raw and unpretentious atmosphere where each piece of work - from the amazing Brick Habitats meant to attract critters to your building walls to beautiful "patchwork" locally-produced furniture - came to life

Read more: London Design Festival 2010: Designersblock | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

October 07, 2010


Nas Goes In On Def Jam In Email

Read more: Nas Goes In On Def Jam In Email | Necole Bitchie.com

I from on it does seem as though the world is moving faster not only do I have to respond to erroneous entries about online articles, but i've even lost complete arguments with some of these music domains such as World DJ. You may not know what i'm talking about but i've run into some issues with on that website, I had been asking the webmistress some questions. I opened my account but lost the password my bio is posted but I cannot access and/or make repairs. I only notice the ignorance because a movie about the Brooklyn doesn't coordinate with where this guy is from which is Queens. Does it not bother you to find nobody solving the problem, does it not seem obvious that it's impossible getting what I ask for? i'm just over there looking and seeing really no point in spending anymore of my talent there. The solution if you don't cover your ears is prefix time to get up.

October 04, 2010

October 03, 2010

The Five Most Bogus Rapper Apologies

For rappers and celebrities, apologies are statements drafted by lawyers and publicists with the sole intention of appeasing business partners. Her... article

October 01, 2010

Nissan Townpod Concept at 2010 Paris Motor Show

Looks like: Nissan Leaf meets Chevy HHR; Defining characteristics: Hideaway second-row seats; Ridiculous features: Movable “pucks” to hold accessories; Chance of being mass-produced: It's possible we'll see some wild electrics in the ...

Rose Walk and Talk: Does cold weather make you more susceptible to catching a cold?

Yale immunobiologist Akiko Iwasaki answers a common question about the common cold. go here